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Beatrix Bakes

von Natalie Paull

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39Keine655,423 (3.5)Keine
This book embraces the unparalleled joys of baking seasonally and creatively. It invites you to choose your own adventure with unique features that inspire you to mix-and-match and create magic out of even the worst baking fails and to celebrate indulgence, slowing down and being in the (sweetest) moment. Nat Paull's recipes are inspired by classics the world over, but they are irreverent too, and in this book she delights in showing readers that once they get the foundations right the truest magic will come from a willingness to play (with the insurance of her many clever ideas and back-up plans in their apron pocket ). The pages are filled with authentic photography that works as a stunning visual endorsement of Natalie's favorite treats. The recipes are divided across ten chapters: Crusts, Doughs, Pastries & Crusts; Tarts, Pies, A Crostata & a Galette; The Cake List; One in the Hand; Yeasted Bakes; Fruit-full; Creams, Custards, Fillings, Glazes and Buttercreams; and Finishing Touches. Peppered throughout are infographics, offering readers a visual (pie chart) guide to following their baking hearts.… (mehr)
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This book embraces the unparalleled joys of baking seasonally and creatively. It invites you to choose your own adventure with unique features that inspire you to mix-and-match and create magic out of even the worst baking fails and to celebrate indulgence, slowing down and being in the (sweetest) moment. Nat Paull's recipes are inspired by classics the world over, but they are irreverent too, and in this book she delights in showing readers that once they get the foundations right the truest magic will come from a willingness to play (with the insurance of her many clever ideas and back-up plans in their apron pocket ). The pages are filled with authentic photography that works as a stunning visual endorsement of Natalie's favorite treats. The recipes are divided across ten chapters: Crusts, Doughs, Pastries & Crusts; Tarts, Pies, A Crostata & a Galette; The Cake List; One in the Hand; Yeasted Bakes; Fruit-full; Creams, Custards, Fillings, Glazes and Buttercreams; and Finishing Touches. Peppered throughout are infographics, offering readers a visual (pie chart) guide to following their baking hearts.

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