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Manhattan Conspiracy II: Capital Crimes

von Ken Hudnall

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Once again, the author delves into the shadowy world of those who work to control the affairs of government from behind the scenes. Follow Carter David Hughes and Addie Vandeyemer as they search for the identity of those controlling the terrorists. In Washington DC they search for records hidden by the late Howard Renaldi. Hughes searches for the life stolen from him while Addie looks for the major story she sees in the finding the mysterious controllers who are striving to bring down the Government of the United States. The mysterious controllers have planned for every possible scenario, except one, a programmed assassin who is out for blood and doesn't care whose blood it is. Marketing: The first book in this series, Manhattan Conspiracy: Blood on the Apple predicted the terrorist attack on New York City and the World Trade Center and showed what could easily have happened with only a little more effort by the terrorists. Also in this volume, a new concept: Reading of adventure stories is primarily for escape. Manhattan Conspiracy and Buck Rogers Travel offer the purchaser a ticket to adventure with special discounts on travel. In addition, the purchaser is entitled to a $50.00 discount on any seven-day cruise or tour and otherspecial discounts on a daily basis as well as a special offer from Altel. This combined offer is valued at over $300.00. Fiction/Action and Adventure Trade Paperback Publication Date October 2002 Size 6" x 9" ISBN: 0-595-25580-9 Pages;Price: $21.95.… (mehr)
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Once again, the author delves into the shadowy world of those who work to control the affairs of government from behind the scenes. Follow Carter David Hughes and Addie Vandeyemer as they search for the identity of those controlling the terrorists. In Washington DC they search for records hidden by the late Howard Renaldi. Hughes searches for the life stolen from him while Addie looks for the major story she sees in the finding the mysterious controllers who are striving to bring down the Government of the United States. The mysterious controllers have planned for every possible scenario, except one, a programmed assassin who is out for blood and doesn't care whose blood it is. Marketing: The first book in this series, Manhattan Conspiracy: Blood on the Apple predicted the terrorist attack on New York City and the World Trade Center and showed what could easily have happened with only a little more effort by the terrorists. Also in this volume, a new concept: Reading of adventure stories is primarily for escape. Manhattan Conspiracy and Buck Rogers Travel offer the purchaser a ticket to adventure with special discounts on travel. In addition, the purchaser is entitled to a $50.00 discount on any seven-day cruise or tour and otherspecial discounts on a daily basis as well as a special offer from Altel. This combined offer is valued at over $300.00. Fiction/Action and Adventure Trade Paperback Publication Date October 2002 Size 6" x 9" ISBN: 0-595-25580-9 Pages;Price: $21.95.

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