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Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought von…
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Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought (2001. Auflage)

von Michael W. McConnell (Autor)

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This book explores for the first time the broad range of ways in which Christian thought intersects with American legal theory. Eminent legal scholars-including Stephen Carter, Thomas Shaffer, Elizabeth Mensch, Gerard Bradley, and Marci Hamilton-describe how various Christian traditions, including the Catholic, Calvinist, Anabaptist, and Lutheran traditions, understand law and justice, society and the state, and human nature and human striving. The book reveals not only the diversity among Christian legal thinkers but also the richness of the Christian tradition as a source for intellectual and ethical approaches to legal inquiry. The contributors bring various perspectives to the subject. Some engage the prominent schools of legal thought: liberalism, legal realism, critical legal studies, feminism, critical race theory, and law and economics. Others address substantive areas, including environmental, criminal, contract, torts, and family law, as well as professional responsibility. Together the essays introduce a new school of legal thought that will make a signal contribution to contemporary discussions of law.… (mehr)
Titel:Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought
Autoren:Michael W. McConnell (Autor)
Info:Yale University Press (2001), 512 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek (inactive), Wunschzettel (inactive), Lese gerade (inactive), Favoriten (inactive), Noch zu lesen (inactive), Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz (inactive)
Tags:Pepperdine Faculty Authors


Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought von Michael W. McConnell

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This book explores for the first time the broad range of ways in which Christian thought intersects with American legal theory. Eminent legal scholars-including Stephen Carter, Thomas Shaffer, Elizabeth Mensch, Gerard Bradley, and Marci Hamilton-describe how various Christian traditions, including the Catholic, Calvinist, Anabaptist, and Lutheran traditions, understand law and justice, society and the state, and human nature and human striving. The book reveals not only the diversity among Christian legal thinkers but also the richness of the Christian tradition as a source for intellectual and ethical approaches to legal inquiry. The contributors bring various perspectives to the subject. Some engage the prominent schools of legal thought: liberalism, legal realism, critical legal studies, feminism, critical race theory, and law and economics. Others address substantive areas, including environmental, criminal, contract, torts, and family law, as well as professional responsibility. Together the essays introduce a new school of legal thought that will make a signal contribution to contemporary discussions of law.

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