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Build Bridges, Not Walls (City Lights Open Media)

von Todd Miller

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"In personal stories from twenty years of activism and reporting, an award-winning journalist calls on readers to imagine a world without borders. Every year an untold number of people perish attempting to cross the border into the United States. Thousands of families who do make it across are apprehended and separated, often with children languishing in cages. In light of the harm it unleashes, does our increasingly militarized border policy make anyone more secure? To answer that question, Todd Miller draws upon over twenty years of work investigating international borders. In a series of anecdotes, he relates his encounters with U.S. Border Patrol agents, deportees, migrants, human-rights activists, and scholars, taking readers on a journey from the deserts of the Southwest, to the mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala, and to border zones across the globe. Through the lens of his stories and personal reflections, Miller tackles big questions in clear and inviting prose, encouraging us to honestly reckon with our own beliefs about how best to meet the critical challenges of a world in migration. This pocket-sized, easy-to-read edition is a must-have for all those who hope that a better world is possible. In a clarion call to our collective humanity, Todd Miller makes a case for tearing down barriers-both at the borders and in our own minds-as the necessary first step to achieving security by building bridges, not walls"--… (mehr)
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"In personal stories from twenty years of activism and reporting, an award-winning journalist calls on readers to imagine a world without borders. Every year an untold number of people perish attempting to cross the border into the United States. Thousands of families who do make it across are apprehended and separated, often with children languishing in cages. In light of the harm it unleashes, does our increasingly militarized border policy make anyone more secure? To answer that question, Todd Miller draws upon over twenty years of work investigating international borders. In a series of anecdotes, he relates his encounters with U.S. Border Patrol agents, deportees, migrants, human-rights activists, and scholars, taking readers on a journey from the deserts of the Southwest, to the mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala, and to border zones across the globe. Through the lens of his stories and personal reflections, Miller tackles big questions in clear and inviting prose, encouraging us to honestly reckon with our own beliefs about how best to meet the critical challenges of a world in migration. This pocket-sized, easy-to-read edition is a must-have for all those who hope that a better world is possible. In a clarion call to our collective humanity, Todd Miller makes a case for tearing down barriers-both at the borders and in our own minds-as the necessary first step to achieving security by building bridges, not walls"--

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