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The Japanese Way of the Artist: Living the Japanese Arts & Ways, Brush Meditation, The Japanese Way of the Flower

von H. E. Davey

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Ikebana and tea ceremony, karate and calligraphy-all traditional Japanese arts and practices share certain ideals and techniques to achieve the same goals: serenity, mind/body harmony, awareness, and a sense of connection to the universe. This collection of three complete books provides H. E. Davey's unique insights into the rich universe of these Japanese spiritual, artistic, and martial traditions while introducing the reader to practical examples of two Japanese forms of "moving meditation" that exemplify the union of art and spiritual growth. Living the Japanese Arts & Ways presents 45 essential principles-like wabi, "immovable mind," and "stillness in motion"-that are universal in the Japanese classic tradition. Revealing little-known, ancient, and powerful teachings that link all classic Japanese arts, it explains how they can beneficially transform your life. Living the Japanese Arts & Ways was the recipient of the Spirituality & Health magazine Best Spirituality Books Award. Brush Meditation introduces beginners and non-artists alike to Japanese calligraphy, and shows how even the most elemental stroke of ink and brush reveals your physical and mental state. It's packed with amazing examples of the author's award-winning Japanese calligraphy. The Japanese Way of the Flower examines practical methods for looking at nature and leads the reader through simple meditations as a prelude to learning how to create easy ikebana compositions. This anthology contains an all-new introduction by the author. The entire text is complemented by diagrams, drawings, and photographs, plus information, resources, and glossaries of Japanese terms.… (mehr)
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Ikebana and tea ceremony, karate and calligraphy-all traditional Japanese arts and practices share certain ideals and techniques to achieve the same goals: serenity, mind/body harmony, awareness, and a sense of connection to the universe. This collection of three complete books provides H. E. Davey's unique insights into the rich universe of these Japanese spiritual, artistic, and martial traditions while introducing the reader to practical examples of two Japanese forms of "moving meditation" that exemplify the union of art and spiritual growth. Living the Japanese Arts & Ways presents 45 essential principles-like wabi, "immovable mind," and "stillness in motion"-that are universal in the Japanese classic tradition. Revealing little-known, ancient, and powerful teachings that link all classic Japanese arts, it explains how they can beneficially transform your life. Living the Japanese Arts & Ways was the recipient of the Spirituality & Health magazine Best Spirituality Books Award. Brush Meditation introduces beginners and non-artists alike to Japanese calligraphy, and shows how even the most elemental stroke of ink and brush reveals your physical and mental state. It's packed with amazing examples of the author's award-winning Japanese calligraphy. The Japanese Way of the Flower examines practical methods for looking at nature and leads the reader through simple meditations as a prelude to learning how to create easy ikebana compositions. This anthology contains an all-new introduction by the author. The entire text is complemented by diagrams, drawings, and photographs, plus information, resources, and glossaries of Japanese terms.

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