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Guide to Computer Forensics and…
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Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations (with DVD) (2015. Auflage)

von Bill Nelson (Autor)

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641424,151 (4)Keine
Updated with the latest advances from the field, GUIDE TO COMPUTER FORENSICS AND INVESTIGATIONS, Fifth Edition combines all-encompassing topic coverage, authoritative information from seasoned experts, and real-world applications to deliver the most comprehensive forensics resource available. This proven author team's wide ranging areas of expertise mirror the breadth of coverage provided in the book, which focuses on techniques and practices for gathering and analyzing evidence used to solve crimes involving computers. While other books offer more of an overview of the field, this hands-on learning text provides clear instruction on the tools and techniques of the trade, introducing readers to every step of the computer forensics investigation-from lab set-up to testifying in court. It also details step-by-step guidance on how to use current forensics software and provides free demo downloads. Appropriate for learners new to the field, it is also an excellent refresher and technology update for professionals in law enforcement, investigations, or computer security.… (mehr)
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Updated with the latest advances from the field, GUIDE TO COMPUTER FORENSICS AND INVESTIGATIONS, Fifth Edition combines all-encompassing topic coverage, authoritative information from seasoned experts, and real-world applications to deliver the most comprehensive forensics resource available. This proven author team's wide ranging areas of expertise mirror the breadth of coverage provided in the book, which focuses on techniques and practices for gathering and analyzing evidence used to solve crimes involving computers. While other books offer more of an overview of the field, this hands-on learning text provides clear instruction on the tools and techniques of the trade, introducing readers to every step of the computer forensics investigation-from lab set-up to testifying in court. It also details step-by-step guidance on how to use current forensics software and provides free demo downloads. Appropriate for learners new to the field, it is also an excellent refresher and technology update for professionals in law enforcement, investigations, or computer security.

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