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The Last Chance Library von Freya Sampson
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The Last Chance Library (2021. Auflage)

von Freya Sampson (Autor)

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6814635,236 (3.59)17
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:A Good Morning America Buzz Pick
A Library Reads Pick
June Jones emerges from her shell to fight for her beloved local library, and through the efforts and support of an eclectic group of library patrons, she discovers life-changing friendships along the way.

Lonely librarian June Jones has never left the sleepy English village where she grew up. Shy and reclusive, the thirty-year-old would rather spend her time buried in books than venture out into the world. But when her library is threatened with closure, June is forced to emerge from behind the shelves to save the heart of her community and the place that holds the dearest memories of her mother.
Joining a band of eccentric yet dedicated locals in a campaign to keep the library, June opens herself up to other people for the first time since her mother died. It just so happens that her old school friend Alex Chen is back in town and willing to lend a helping hand. The kindhearted lawyer's feelings for her are obvious to everyone but June, who won't believe that anyone could ever care for her in that way.
To save the place and the books that mean so much to her, June must finally make some changes to her life. For once, she's determined not to go down without a fight. And maybe, in fighting for her cherished library, June can save herself, too.
… (mehr)
Titel:The Last Chance Library
Autoren:Freya Sampson (Autor)
Info:Berkley (2021), 336 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Last Library von Freya Sampson

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June Jones lebt in dem britischen Dorf Chalcot und ist mit ganzer Seele Bibliothekarin. Sie ist aber schüchtern und sehr zurückhaltend, was sich nach dem Tod der Mutter noch verstärkt hat. Nur zu den Menschen, die regelmäßig zu ihr in die Bibliothek kommen, hat sie mehr Kontakt. Als die Bibliothek geschlossen werden soll, bricht für sie eine Welt zusammen. Doch ein Treffen mit ihrem ehemaligen Schulfreund zeigt ihr, dass sie etwas unternehmen muss. Mit Gleichgesinnten kämpft sie für den Erhalt ihrer Bibliothek und plötzlich sind da überraschende Gefühle für Alex.
Als Büchernärrin hat mich schon das Cover angezogen und die Geschichte hat mir dann auch gut gefallen. Der Schreibstil lässt sich angenehm lesen.
Die Charaktere sind lebendig und gut beschrieben. June ist glücklich, wenn sie Bücher um sich hat. Zu Menschen zieht es sie nicht so sehr, doch für die Besucher in der Bibliothek hat sie immer ein offenes Ohr. June hat sich nach dem Tod der Mutter eingeigelt und kann sich von nichts trennen. Linda, die Freundin ihrer Mutter, ist lebensfroh und versucht June aus dem Schneckenhaus herauszuholen. Als dann Junes Job in Gefahr ist, weil die Bibliothek geschlossen werden soll, und damit alles, was ihr bisher wichtig war, muss sie etwas tun, auch wenn ihr das nicht leichtfällt. Doch sie hat ja Unterstützung von den Menschen, denen dieser Zufluchtsort auch wichtig ist, und von Alex, der immer mehr ihr Herz gewinnt.
Auch wenn es ein bisschen Liebesgeschichte ist, so geht es doch mehr um Freundschaft, Gemeinschaft und das Eintreten für etwas, das einem wichtig ist. Manchmal muss man einfach über sich hinauswachsen.
Es ist eine tolle und unterhaltsame Geschichte. ( )
  buecherwurm1310 | Mar 4, 2022 |
„What these management consultants with their calculators and spreadsheets will never work out is that the library is about so much more than simply books. Libraries are like a net, there to catch those of us in danger of falling through the cracks.” (Quotation page 76)

Beverly Jones had been the librarian of Chalcot Library and her daughter June was always found immersed in a book. Since ten years June herself works as a Library Assistant works at. She loves her work and the small little village Chalcot, but eight years ago, her mum has died and she still is missing her so much. Now June’s live is quiet, surrounded by books and her cat Alan Bennett, pretending to be happy alone with her memories. When it comes to the council’s announcement that there are six libraries to be closed in the county and Chalcot is one of them, June is asked to join the FOCL – Friends of Chalcot Library protest group, to start a campaign to save the library that means so much to everybody. But will she be able to finally make a step forward and open to real life?

Theme and genre
This story is about loss, friendship, family and love. An important topic is life in small villages, caring about the needs of the inhabitants when investors in search for maximum profit are waiting who would change everything. Most of all it is about books, reading and the magic of libraries.

The different characters are likeable, a bit old-fashioned and sometimes quite funny with their tics. June is very shy, always trying to hide somewhere in the back, hoping to be overseen. But she cares a lot about the regulars coming to the library, offering much more than just perfect book recommendations.

Plot and writing
The very-well-written story takes place during summer and early autumn and is told in a third person narrative perspective with June Jones as main character. It is a romantic, heartwarming plot that gets depth with themes like the social role of public spaces such as a library in small communities, politics, missing funds and personal courage.

An enjoyable, uplifting read – not only for booklovers. ( )
  Circlestonesbooks | Dec 20, 2021 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:A Good Morning America Buzz Pick
A Library Reads Pick
June Jones emerges from her shell to fight for her beloved local library, and through the efforts and support of an eclectic group of library patrons, she discovers life-changing friendships along the way.

Lonely librarian June Jones has never left the sleepy English village where she grew up. Shy and reclusive, the thirty-year-old would rather spend her time buried in books than venture out into the world. But when her library is threatened with closure, June is forced to emerge from behind the shelves to save the heart of her community and the place that holds the dearest memories of her mother.
Joining a band of eccentric yet dedicated locals in a campaign to keep the library, June opens herself up to other people for the first time since her mother died. It just so happens that her old school friend Alex Chen is back in town and willing to lend a helping hand. The kindhearted lawyer's feelings for her are obvious to everyone but June, who won't believe that anyone could ever care for her in that way.
To save the place and the books that mean so much to her, June must finally make some changes to her life. For once, she's determined not to go down without a fight. And maybe, in fighting for her cherished library, June can save herself, too.

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