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The Younger Wife: A Novel von Sally Hepworth
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The Younger Wife: A Novel (2022. Auflage)

von Sally Hepworth (Autor)

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6445737,703 (3.79)9
"Sally Hepworth, the newest breakout star of domestic suspense delivers her next twisty novel about family secrets and lies in The Younger Wife. Stephen Aston is getting married again. The only problem is, he's still married to his first wife, even though she is in a care facility for dementia. But he'll take care of that easily, by divorcing her--even if his adult daughters protest. Tully and Rachel Aston look upon Heather as nothing but an interloper. Heather is the same age as Rachel and even younger than Tully. Clearly she's a golddigger and after their father's money. Heather has secrets that she's keeping close, and reasons of her own for wanting to marry Stephen. With their mother unable to speak for herself, Tully and Rachel are determined to get to the truth about their family's secrets, the new wife closing in, and who their father really is. But will getting to the truth unleash the most dangerous all of them?"--… (mehr)
Titel:The Younger Wife: A Novel
Autoren:Sally Hepworth (Autor)
Info:St. Martin's Press (2022), 353 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Younger Wife von Sally Hepworth

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This was a good book and developing nicely, but the ending should have been treated in a more fulsome manner. I found that disappointing. Still, I enjoy Sally Hepworth's writing, and I'll read more of her books. ( )
  flourgirl49 | Aug 25, 2024 |
"The Younger Wife," by Sally Hepworth, is set in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Stephen Aston is a handsome and respected cardiac surgeon in his sixties. His wife, Pamela, is in a nursing home, suffering from dementia. Before Pam's condition deteriorated, Pam and Stephen had hired Heather Wisher, an interior designer, to redecorate their home. Now, much to everyone's surprise, Stephen is planning to marry thirty-four-year-old Heather, who is even younger than Stephen's daughters, Rachel and Natalie (Tully).

Although this novel has humorous passages, it is by no means lighthearted. Rachel has kept a dark secret from her family since she was an adolescent; Tully is an emotional wreck who engages in self-destructive behavior; Heather had a traumatic childhood that she has tried, in vain, to forget. The most troubling aspect of "The Younger Wife," however, centers on Stephen's temperament. There are hints that he may not be as decent and honorable as he seems.

Hepworth effectively uses such familiar devices as alternating viewpoints and flashbacks to give us a well-rounded picture of her dysfunctional characters. The author's lively dialogue and intriguing plot hold our interest, but certain aspects of the story do not ring true. For example, Hepworth pairs Rachel up with a one-dimensional hunk who is incredibly compassionate and understanding. Furthermore, Tully has a serious psychological condition that Hepworth deals with superficially and unconvincingly. Finally, the author stuns us with an ambiguous ending that—whether intentionally or not—suggests that females who complain about domestic abuse may be hysterical and/or delusional. ( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
This is the second time I've read this novel within 12 months. My first review is here. I'm relieved to find that I've given it the same rating.

So why am I reading it again? For discussion with my U3A crime fiction discussion group.

So this time I want to put down some of the things about the book that I want to discuss with them. So Spoiler Alert. Particularly if you have not yet read the book.

Should Stephen Aston be divorcing Pam (his wife with dementia) and marrying again?
Were you shocked at the age difference between Heather and Stephen?
Do you think Heather should have agreed to marry Stephen and then allow him to discard Pam?
How have Tully and Rachel reacted to stress in their lives?
Where did the money in the hot water bottle come from?
Who was Fiona Arthur?
Was Stephen abusive? What evidence is there?
Was Stephen's death justified?
What issues did the book make you consider?
What did you think of the structure of the book: the narration by a person at the wedding; the fact that we know something dreadful has happened but not exactly what; the continued intervention by this narrator; her final toast to Stephen. ( )
  smik | Apr 21, 2024 |
Another page turner from Sally Hepworth. Four stars because it has been a while since I’ve read a book where I just wanted to keep reading. I loved the short chapters told from different viewpoints, the dysfunctional characters and the easy to follow plot. Kept me engaged so this was the perfect holiday read. If you’re into contemporary family drama (think Liane Moriarty’s earlier novels before they became way too big), then you’ll enjoy this book. ( )
  Mercef | Mar 30, 2024 |
I have been reading Advanced Reader Copies for years so I am prepared for some alterations prior to it being in its published form. I will often listen to the audio version when published to compare with usually only minor changes to people's names for example, addition or subtraction of sentences. This book had a very different ending from ARC copy and what went to print. This book was also first published in Australia and I understand that it also underwent the same transformations. To avoid spoilers I will just comment that verbal and physical abuse are addressed in this novel and the changes relate to how the story is resolved, if there is one.

It is narrated from different POV with addresses the women involved with Stephen Ashton, a heart surgeon, who is looking to remarry yet again at age 60 to Heather Wisher, a much younger woman at 34 years old who was hired as their interior designer. Meanwhile, Stephen is getting a divorce from Pamela whose health is declining due to Alzheimer's disease. It is difficult to write a spoiler free review given that both versions I've read lead down a confusing path. One version aimed to address some unresolved questions that weren't clear in the other version. It really felt like two different books in the end for me. Basically, all the women in the novel have encountered some sort of abuse whether revealed and discussed or ignored. There is a final twist in the end with the epilogue which occurs 3 years prior to the story which I don't think clarified the plot for me in anyway. ( )
  marquis784 | Mar 10, 2024 |
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"Sally Hepworth, the newest breakout star of domestic suspense delivers her next twisty novel about family secrets and lies in The Younger Wife. Stephen Aston is getting married again. The only problem is, he's still married to his first wife, even though she is in a care facility for dementia. But he'll take care of that easily, by divorcing her--even if his adult daughters protest. Tully and Rachel Aston look upon Heather as nothing but an interloper. Heather is the same age as Rachel and even younger than Tully. Clearly she's a golddigger and after their father's money. Heather has secrets that she's keeping close, and reasons of her own for wanting to marry Stephen. With their mother unable to speak for herself, Tully and Rachel are determined to get to the truth about their family's secrets, the new wife closing in, and who their father really is. But will getting to the truth unleash the most dangerous all of them?"--

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