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Career Remix: Get the Gig You Want with the Skills You've Got

von Damon Brown

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Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:Bestselling author, start-up founder, and business and life coach offers real-world solutions and methods for using existing skills and resources for changing careers, managing transitions, and thriving in the current job market.
In the era of surprises, here may be the biggest one yet: You don't need another certification, you don't need to scrap what you've done, and you don't need to start over to make your best career moves. In fact, your hard-earned past knowledge is what gives you your biggest leg up in most any industry and economic landscape. Best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and one-on-one business coach Damon Brown offers testimonials, plans of action, and road-tested insight into how we can bring our worth and build our careers, or change industries and careers altogether, based on the skills and experiences we've already established.
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Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:Bestselling author, start-up founder, and business and life coach offers real-world solutions and methods for using existing skills and resources for changing careers, managing transitions, and thriving in the current job market.
In the era of surprises, here may be the biggest one yet: You don't need another certification, you don't need to scrap what you've done, and you don't need to start over to make your best career moves. In fact, your hard-earned past knowledge is what gives you your biggest leg up in most any industry and economic landscape. Best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and one-on-one business coach Damon Brown offers testimonials, plans of action, and road-tested insight into how we can bring our worth and build our careers, or change industries and careers altogether, based on the skills and experiences we've already established.

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