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Embrace Me

von Beck Grey

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Reihen: Love in the Pacific Northwest (2)

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Sometimes, the best way to overcome differences - is to embrace them. Quinn Nothing is more important than family. Someday I'll have my own, if I can ever find the right guy. For now, I'm concentrating on my career and a promotion. That is until my company hires a hot-shot with the right credentials to snag the position. I should resent him, but Tadhg Byrne is talented. And gorgeous. And though my ASL is pitiful, it means I'm the most "qualified" colleague to partner with him. Or so my boss says. So I guess I'm about to do myself out of a job. Tadhg After a nasty breakup with my manipulative ex, I returned home to Seattle to lick my wounds. I'm done with relationships. From now on I'm focusing on my career. There are just a few issues with that. 1. It's not that easy for a Deaf man to succeed in a Hearing world, even with the right degree and experience. 2. Quinn MacDougall-my good-natured coworker. He's incredibly talented, driven, and distractingly handsome. 3. Quinn's Hearing. And that's the biggest problem of all. How can someone who isn't Deaf ever truly understand and accept me? Embrace Me is a low-medium angst, contemporary MM romance about language barriers, loving but demanding families, crappy bosses, and sexy guys in speedos. It contains no cheating, and a guaranteed Happily Ever After.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonBookbee1, Marliese, montano
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Beck GreyHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Furlong, GaryErzählerHauptautoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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For Dani. You are my rock!
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I jam the sweatshirt into my duffle and steal glances at the security app on my phone.
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Sometimes, the best way to overcome differences - is to embrace them. Quinn Nothing is more important than family. Someday I'll have my own, if I can ever find the right guy. For now, I'm concentrating on my career and a promotion. That is until my company hires a hot-shot with the right credentials to snag the position. I should resent him, but Tadhg Byrne is talented. And gorgeous. And though my ASL is pitiful, it means I'm the most "qualified" colleague to partner with him. Or so my boss says. So I guess I'm about to do myself out of a job. Tadhg After a nasty breakup with my manipulative ex, I returned home to Seattle to lick my wounds. I'm done with relationships. From now on I'm focusing on my career. There are just a few issues with that. 1. It's not that easy for a Deaf man to succeed in a Hearing world, even with the right degree and experience. 2. Quinn MacDougall-my good-natured coworker. He's incredibly talented, driven, and distractingly handsome. 3. Quinn's Hearing. And that's the biggest problem of all. How can someone who isn't Deaf ever truly understand and accept me? Embrace Me is a low-medium angst, contemporary MM romance about language barriers, loving but demanding families, crappy bosses, and sexy guys in speedos. It contains no cheating, and a guaranteed Happily Ever After.

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