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Small Game: A Novel von Blair Braverman
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Small Game: A Novel (2023. Auflage)

von Blair Braverman (Autor)

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2019139,983 (3.59)7
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

A gripping debut novel about a survival reality show gone wrong that leaves a group of strangers stranded in the northern wilds

Four strangers and six weeks: this is all that separates Mara from one life-changing payday. She was surprised when reality TV producers came knocking at Primal Instinct—the survival school where she teaches rich clients not to die during a night outdoors—and even more shocked to be cast in their new show, Civilization. Now she just has to live off the land with her fellow survivors for long enough to get the prize money.

Whisked by helicopter to an undisclosed location, Mara meets her teammates: The grizzled outdoorsman. The Eagle Scout. The white-collar professional. And Ashley, the beautiful but inexperienced one who just wants to be famous. Mara's unusual, rugged childhood has prepared her for the discomforts and hard work ahead. But trusting her fellow survivors? Not part of Mara's skill set.

When the cast wakes one morning to find something has gone horribly wrong, fear ripples through the group. Are the producers giving them an extra challenge? Or are they wrapped up in something more dangerous? Soon Mara and the others face terrifying decisions as "survival" becomes more than a game.

A provocative exploration of the comforts, rituals, and connections we depend upon, Small Game is a gripping page-turner and a poignant story about finding the courage to build a new life from the ground up.

… (mehr)
Titel:Small Game: A Novel
Autoren:Blair Braverman (Autor)
Info:Ecco (2023), 288 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Sarah F's Picks


Small Game von Blair Braverman

  1. 00
    The Last One von Alexandra Oliva (Aug3Zimm)
    Aug3Zimm: Similar plot (survival tv show) but with an apocalyptic twist that makes it more of a psychological thriller.
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2022. Five people go on a tv survival show in the woods somewhere very remote. After a few days the tv crew stops showing up and they seem to be abandoned there. The two women start sleeping together, but one of them seems to be only doing it because she thinks it will make better tv. They were only supposed to be there for six weeks, so when that time comes, they decide to try to hike out. There are only three left by this point. The two women, Mara(? I think), and Ashley, and a guy called Bullfrog. Mara is a professional survival guide, Ashley just wants to be famous. Bullfrog wants his daughter to see him on tv and reconcile with him. They finded a well stocked cabin on an island in a lake and stay there for a while. Mara hikes back to their original camp and finds that the crew has come back to look for them and they missed them. I don’t think you ever find out what happened, or if they even get back to civilization by the end. But it was gripping and spooky. ( )
  kylekatz | Aug 18, 2024 |
As a person very entertained by reality TV and shows like Survivor I liked the premise of this book and I know who Blair Braverman is so I thought it would be a real winner. Sadly, it was just sort of meh.

I liked the set up but then the mysterious disappearance of the crew happens and there's some drama about being abandoned and some stuff happens but at the same time almost nothing happens. There's no explanation for any of it, the escape/rescue is glossed over and I left the book feeling like I was deprived of half the story. Just unsatisfying overall. ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
Fun survival story. The details felt real. Not a terrifically memorable book overall but a good bowl of potato chips.
  BookyMaven | Dec 6, 2023 |
A book with a plot familiar to those that watch the "survivor" series on television. Mara teaches classes on survival skills and cs chosen to spend six weeks with three others in the wilds. They have their struggles but things really take a turn when the television camera crew comes up missing and they are truly on their own, Not a whole lot unique about this one. ( )
  muddyboy | Apr 15, 2023 |
Five people set out on a reality show about wilderness survival. The narrator is a woman raised by survivalists who’s tried to find a way out, but needs money to have choices. She falls fast and hard for Ashley, who’s there to get famous. Then, a few weeks before the scheduled end, things change fast, and the show turns deadly real. It’s got a lot of sharp observations about how women manage men for their advantage and safety; the narrator is very conscious of what she’s doing but also understandably does not feel powerful in doing it. Survival, here, is not about wilderness competence but about the benefits of connection and larger human society. It ends kind of abruptly, as if Braverman wasn’t interested in the denouement, which I very much was. ( )
  rivkat | Mar 20, 2023 |
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For Q and Flame, my survival partners
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Ashley wanted to be famous.
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

A gripping debut novel about a survival reality show gone wrong that leaves a group of strangers stranded in the northern wilds

Four strangers and six weeks: this is all that separates Mara from one life-changing payday. She was surprised when reality TV producers came knocking at Primal Instinct—the survival school where she teaches rich clients not to die during a night outdoors—and even more shocked to be cast in their new show, Civilization. Now she just has to live off the land with her fellow survivors for long enough to get the prize money.

Whisked by helicopter to an undisclosed location, Mara meets her teammates: The grizzled outdoorsman. The Eagle Scout. The white-collar professional. And Ashley, the beautiful but inexperienced one who just wants to be famous. Mara's unusual, rugged childhood has prepared her for the discomforts and hard work ahead. But trusting her fellow survivors? Not part of Mara's skill set.

When the cast wakes one morning to find something has gone horribly wrong, fear ripples through the group. Are the producers giving them an extra challenge? Or are they wrapped up in something more dangerous? Soon Mara and the others face terrifying decisions as "survival" becomes more than a game.

A provocative exploration of the comforts, rituals, and connections we depend upon, Small Game is a gripping page-turner and a poignant story about finding the courage to build a new life from the ground up.


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