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The Jaulân : Surveyed for the German Society for the Exploration of the Holy Land

von Schumacher

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Gottlieb Schumacher (1857-1925) was an American-born German civil engineer, architect and archaeologist who was influential in the early archaeological explorations of Palestine. His parents were members of the Temple Association, a Protestant group who emigrated to Haifa in 1869. After studying engineering in Stuttgart between 1876 and 1881, Schumacher returned to Haifa and assumed a leading role in surveying and construction in the region. This volume, first published in 1888 for the Palestine Exploration Fund, contains the results of Schumacher's survey of the Jaulân region of Syria, now known as the Golan Heights. Schumacher provides an engaging and detailed description of the geography and archaeological remains of the region, with the culture, society and customs of both the settled inhabitants and nomadic Bedouin also described. The book is richly illustrated with over 140 figures of ancient artefacts and remains, together with a detailed map of the region.… (mehr)
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Gottlieb Schumacher (1857-1925) was an American-born German civil engineer, architect and archaeologist who was influential in the early archaeological explorations of Palestine. His parents were members of the Temple Association, a Protestant group who emigrated to Haifa in 1869. After studying engineering in Stuttgart between 1876 and 1881, Schumacher returned to Haifa and assumed a leading role in surveying and construction in the region. This volume, first published in 1888 for the Palestine Exploration Fund, contains the results of Schumacher's survey of the Jaulân region of Syria, now known as the Golan Heights. Schumacher provides an engaging and detailed description of the geography and archaeological remains of the region, with the culture, society and customs of both the settled inhabitants and nomadic Bedouin also described. The book is richly illustrated with over 140 figures of ancient artefacts and remains, together with a detailed map of the region.

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