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How Well Does Your IEP Measure Up? Quality Indicators for Effective Service Delivery

von Diane Twachtman-Cullen

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Diane Twachtman-Cullen and Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly are to be applauded for tackling the difficult and crucial issue of designing effective individualized education program (IEP) goals. The authors supply incredibly practical and helpful hints for designing IEP goals that are both meaningful and measurable, while addressing the core areas of difficulty for students with autism spectrum disorders. As the focus on accountability in schools increases, this book will serve as a critical tool for all educators to use in designing appropriate programming for students across the autism spectrum.'- Dr. Cathy Pratt, Board of Directors, Autism Society of America'Timely, and much needed... The authors] need to be congratulated for such an excellent reference book. Their work documents clearly how to marry the theory to the practical in IEP development specifically for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Their work serves as an easy to follow blueprint for designing and implementing appropriate and effective IEP programming. And it adds true benefit to the service providers and parents by providing hands on' examples based on well conceived, proven methodologies with essential outcomes review and measure of the program's effectiveness. This book is a must for every parent of a school age child with autism and for every service provider that works with children with ASD.'- Lee Grossman, President, Autism Society of AmericaThis book provides a step-by-step guide to help parents and professionals working with children on the ASD spectrum obtain or write an individualized education plan (IEP). The individual chapters set out the 'blueprint' detailing the crucial building blocks for IEP development. Part 1 aims to arm the reader with the specific information needed to generate the types of meaningful goals and objectives that lead to effective service delivery. Part 2 presents several models so that parents and professionals can see how the various elements can deliver an appropriate individualized education programme.How Well Does Your IEP Measure Up? presents information in an accessible and reader-friendly format making it an essential reference for parents and professionals.… (mehr)
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Diane Twachtman-Cullen and Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly are to be applauded for tackling the difficult and crucial issue of designing effective individualized education program (IEP) goals. The authors supply incredibly practical and helpful hints for designing IEP goals that are both meaningful and measurable, while addressing the core areas of difficulty for students with autism spectrum disorders. As the focus on accountability in schools increases, this book will serve as a critical tool for all educators to use in designing appropriate programming for students across the autism spectrum.'- Dr. Cathy Pratt, Board of Directors, Autism Society of America'Timely, and much needed... The authors] need to be congratulated for such an excellent reference book. Their work documents clearly how to marry the theory to the practical in IEP development specifically for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Their work serves as an easy to follow blueprint for designing and implementing appropriate and effective IEP programming. And it adds true benefit to the service providers and parents by providing hands on' examples based on well conceived, proven methodologies with essential outcomes review and measure of the program's effectiveness. This book is a must for every parent of a school age child with autism and for every service provider that works with children with ASD.'- Lee Grossman, President, Autism Society of AmericaThis book provides a step-by-step guide to help parents and professionals working with children on the ASD spectrum obtain or write an individualized education plan (IEP). The individual chapters set out the 'blueprint' detailing the crucial building blocks for IEP development. Part 1 aims to arm the reader with the specific information needed to generate the types of meaningful goals and objectives that lead to effective service delivery. Part 2 presents several models so that parents and professionals can see how the various elements can deliver an appropriate individualized education programme.How Well Does Your IEP Measure Up? presents information in an accessible and reader-friendly format making it an essential reference for parents and professionals.

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