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Kemp: Warriors in the Snow (Arrows of Albion Book 6)

von Jonathan Lunn

Reihen: Arrows of Albion (6)

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"Isolated, frozen to the bone and with no way out...Kemp is back. 1356. Burnt Candlemas. King Edward III invades Scotland in the dead of winter to punish the Scots for their recent attack on Berwick. When the fleet bringing supplies for his army is scattered by a storm, it seems God himself is punishing the English for the arson of a Scottish church. Wrongly blamed for the fire, archer Martin Kemp finds himself in chains, a victim of the king's wrath. As the army retreats to England, it is ambushed by the Scots in the whiteout of a blizzard. Kemp is cut off with a handful of men, desperate to find their way home from a bleak and hostile land. But the knight who takes command of this motley band has an agenda of his own, one that will put all of their lives in jeopardy...An enthralling historical adventure, full of intrigue and suspense, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden and Matthew Harffy."--… (mehr)
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"Isolated, frozen to the bone and with no way out...Kemp is back. 1356. Burnt Candlemas. King Edward III invades Scotland in the dead of winter to punish the Scots for their recent attack on Berwick. When the fleet bringing supplies for his army is scattered by a storm, it seems God himself is punishing the English for the arson of a Scottish church. Wrongly blamed for the fire, archer Martin Kemp finds himself in chains, a victim of the king's wrath. As the army retreats to England, it is ambushed by the Scots in the whiteout of a blizzard. Kemp is cut off with a handful of men, desperate to find their way home from a bleak and hostile land. But the knight who takes command of this motley band has an agenda of his own, one that will put all of their lives in jeopardy...An enthralling historical adventure, full of intrigue and suspense, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden and Matthew Harffy."--

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