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The River We Remember: A Novel von William…
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The River We Remember: A Novel (2023. Auflage)

von William Kent Krueger (Autor)

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7563430,953 (4.29)22
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:In 1958, a small Minnesota town is rocked by the murder of its most powerful citizen, pouring fresh fuel on old grievances in this dazzling standalone novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the "expansive, atmospheric American saga" (Entertainment Weekly) This Tender Land.
On Memorial Day, as the people of Jewel, Minnesota gather to remember and honor the sacrifice of so many sons in the wars of the past, the half-clothed body of wealthy landowner Jimmy Quinn is found floating in the Alabaster River, dead from a shotgun blast. Investigation of the murder falls to Sheriff Brody Dern, a highly decorated war hero who still carries the physical and emotional scars from his military service. Even before Dern has the results of the autopsy, vicious rumors begin to circulate that the killer must be Noah Bluestone, a Native American WWII veteran who has recently returned to Jewel with a Japanese wife. As suspicions and accusations mount and the town teeters on the edge of more violence, Dern struggles not only to find the truth of Quinn's murder but also put to rest the demons from his own past.

Caught up in the torrent of anger that sweeps through Jewel are a war widow and her adolescent son, the intrepid publisher of the local newspaper, an aging deputy, and a crusading female lawyer, all of whom struggle with their own tragic histories and harbor secrets that Quinn's death threatens to expose.

Both a complex, spellbinding mystery and a masterful portrait of midcentury American life from an author of novels "as big-hearted as they come" (Parade), The River We Remember is an unflinching look at the wounds left by the wars we fight abroad and at home, a moving exploration of the ways in which we seek to heal, and a testament to the enduring power of the stories we tell about the places we call home.
… (mehr)
Titel:The River We Remember: A Novel
Autoren:William Kent Krueger (Autor)
Info:Atria Books (2023), Edition: Special Signed ED, 432 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:1/2024, hardcover book


The River We Remember von William Kent Krueger

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This was a powerful book, so well-written with atmospheric descriptions of the landscape and vividly rendered characters – both good and evil. I knew from the eloquent prologue that it would be amazing and I agree with the book jacket that it “is both a spellbinding mystery and a masterful portrait of mid-century American life.”

The story takes place in 1958, in a small town in Minnesota. Many of the characters have secrets as well as wounds from their pasts that affect their current relationships and the decisions that drive the plot. The novel is about grief, sorrow, trauma, forgiveness and redemption – and it’s a murder mystery as well as a chronicle of the racism of the time. In many ways it reminded me of the award-winning classic “To Kill a Mockingbird.” What makes this such an amazing and unputdownable book is how each character’s storyline is woven together to form a united and engaging narrative that had me on the edge of my seat.

This is probably one of the more intense novels I’ve read recently. It left me satisfied yet exhausted when I finished it, partially because I felt like I had been right there with the characters during the last turbulent portion of the book.

The Epilogue begins with this quote which I believe is the “author’s message” describing the novel: “Our lives and the lives of those we love merge to create a river whose current carries us forward from our beginning to our end. Because we are only one part of the whole, the river each of us remembers is different, and there are many versions of the stories we tell about the past. In all of them there is truth, and in all of them a good deal of innocent misremembering.”

*Trigger Warnings:* scenes of war violence, sexual assault, rape, racism, sexual abuse, incest, alcoholism ( )
  PhyllisReads | Sep 13, 2024 |
Combines his sheriff and Southern Minnesota
  bmcbook | Sep 2, 2024 |
The pleasure of this novel grows from inhabiting its people, place, and time. The plot does not surprise, but moves along well enough to keep the people busy. Krueger includes at least one too many ominously foreshadowing chapter endings. ( )
  DDtheV | Aug 10, 2024 |
William Kent Kreuger's writing is soulfully good but the narrative isn't strong. I tried to read another of his and had the same experience.

I couldn't tell you what this was about, but I listened to it through a night and heard patches of it. I was engaged and surfaced again later and found no connection by another engaging "short story". ( )
  Okies | Jul 14, 2024 |
When Jimmy Quinn's body is found floating in a river adjoining Jewell, Minnesota, there is no grieving for this wealthy landowner. He is universally disliked by everyone in the small town in 1958. Initial thoughts of a suicide are dispelled by the shotgun blast. The investigation is led by Sheriff Brody Dern, a veteran struggling with his war experiences and secrets he holds. Noah Bluestone, a native American, is the prime suspect, who has been the object of racial hatred when he arrives in Jewell with his Japanese wife. There are many secrets in this small town and the mystery of Quinn's death brings them to the surface.

WKK has once again written a book that reveals the best and worst of humankind. His writing is beautiful as secrets are revealed and the challenges of racism, family and war wounds are revealed. This book is another good example of why he is a beloved author. ( )
  pdebolt | Jul 4, 2024 |
Fans of the die-hard Minnesotan author will appreciate his evocation of the landscape and people's connection with it. But in piercing the notion of an innocent small-town America in the 1950s, he goes way overboard. A grim portrait of lost souls.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenKirkus Reviews, a (Jul 1, 2023)
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Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. -Buddha
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The Alabaster River cuts diagonally across Black Earth County, Minnesota, a crooked course like a long crack in a china plate. -Prologue
In 1958, Memorial Day fell on a Friday. This was long before the federal government made the celebration officially the final Monday of May. -Chapter 1
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:In 1958, a small Minnesota town is rocked by the murder of its most powerful citizen, pouring fresh fuel on old grievances in this dazzling standalone novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the "expansive, atmospheric American saga" (Entertainment Weekly) This Tender Land.
On Memorial Day, as the people of Jewel, Minnesota gather to remember and honor the sacrifice of so many sons in the wars of the past, the half-clothed body of wealthy landowner Jimmy Quinn is found floating in the Alabaster River, dead from a shotgun blast. Investigation of the murder falls to Sheriff Brody Dern, a highly decorated war hero who still carries the physical and emotional scars from his military service. Even before Dern has the results of the autopsy, vicious rumors begin to circulate that the killer must be Noah Bluestone, a Native American WWII veteran who has recently returned to Jewel with a Japanese wife. As suspicions and accusations mount and the town teeters on the edge of more violence, Dern struggles not only to find the truth of Quinn's murder but also put to rest the demons from his own past.

Caught up in the torrent of anger that sweeps through Jewel are a war widow and her adolescent son, the intrepid publisher of the local newspaper, an aging deputy, and a crusading female lawyer, all of whom struggle with their own tragic histories and harbor secrets that Quinn's death threatens to expose.

Both a complex, spellbinding mystery and a masterful portrait of midcentury American life from an author of novels "as big-hearted as they come" (Parade), The River We Remember is an unflinching look at the wounds left by the wars we fight abroad and at home, a moving exploration of the ways in which we seek to heal, and a testament to the enduring power of the stories we tell about the places we call home.

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