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Plague: A History of Pestilence and Pandemics

von Ben Hubbard

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Plague examines history's most destructive pandemics including The Black Death (Bubonic Plague), The Great Plague of London, the 1918 Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS and more. It uses a narrative structure to describe the causes, events and eventual cessation of each outbreak. It features case stories of those affected, the science behind each disease, the physical symptoms and effects, and the different approaches to stopping or eradicating the diseases. This is a highly topical book that addresses the outbreak of COVID-19. It offers a message of hope to those worried or affected by COVID-19. That is, that pandemics come and go, people have survived through them, and with each one our understanding of how to slow or stop them increases. The book features illustrations and etchings from the Middle Ages and photographs from pandemics later in history.… (mehr)
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Plague examines history's most destructive pandemics including The Black Death (Bubonic Plague), The Great Plague of London, the 1918 Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS and more. It uses a narrative structure to describe the causes, events and eventual cessation of each outbreak. It features case stories of those affected, the science behind each disease, the physical symptoms and effects, and the different approaches to stopping or eradicating the diseases. This is a highly topical book that addresses the outbreak of COVID-19. It offers a message of hope to those worried or affected by COVID-19. That is, that pandemics come and go, people have survived through them, and with each one our understanding of how to slow or stop them increases. The book features illustrations and etchings from the Middle Ages and photographs from pandemics later in history.

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