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After That: Poems

von Lorna Crozier

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After That is a book written from the dark hollow we fall into when we lose those we love. Lorna Crozier's sure poetry finds the words to engage with the grief that comes from the death of her partner, the writer Patrick Lane, whom she'd lived with for forty years, many of them tumultuous. With grace and precision, she illuminates sorrow. The light the poems cast travels far enough to reach anyone who has experienced loss. These pages engage us with many familiar yet magical things - not only paper wasps, but their libraries; not only herons, but their role as aging monks. Crozier takes us through the domestic and natural worlds into the most cagey and metaphysical place we call the beyond. Without offering false comfort, the poems turn over our own grief so that we can catch a glimpse of the new life inside us again.… (mehr)
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After That is a book written from the dark hollow we fall into when we lose those we love. Lorna Crozier's sure poetry finds the words to engage with the grief that comes from the death of her partner, the writer Patrick Lane, whom she'd lived with for forty years, many of them tumultuous. With grace and precision, she illuminates sorrow. The light the poems cast travels far enough to reach anyone who has experienced loss. These pages engage us with many familiar yet magical things - not only paper wasps, but their libraries; not only herons, but their role as aging monks. Crozier takes us through the domestic and natural worlds into the most cagey and metaphysical place we call the beyond. Without offering false comfort, the poems turn over our own grief so that we can catch a glimpse of the new life inside us again.

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