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In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small…
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In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups (2015. Auflage)

von J. Dan Rothwell (Autor)

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With its popular narrative approach, market-leading IN MIXED COMPANY: COMMUNICATING IN SMALL GROUPS, 9th Edition combines solid theory, real-world examples, and cutting-edge research to deliver the latest coverage of small group communication. Following the central unifying theme of cooperation, the book uses the communication competence model to guide discussions of key small group concepts and processes. It includes systems theory as a key theoretical component as well as emphasizes the role of power in small group communication. Business-oriented and workplace examples, surveys, and studies bring chapter concepts to life. Expansive coverage of group roles includes detailed discussions of the types of informal group roles as well as comprehensive explanations of task, maintenance, and disruptive roles. In addition, insightful discussions of technology and its influence on small group communication is integrated throughout.… (mehr)
Titel:In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups
Autoren:J. Dan Rothwell (Autor)
Info:Wadsworth Publishing (2015), Edition: 9, 528 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams von J. Dan Rothwell

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With its popular narrative approach, market-leading IN MIXED COMPANY: COMMUNICATING IN SMALL GROUPS, 9th Edition combines solid theory, real-world examples, and cutting-edge research to deliver the latest coverage of small group communication. Following the central unifying theme of cooperation, the book uses the communication competence model to guide discussions of key small group concepts and processes. It includes systems theory as a key theoretical component as well as emphasizes the role of power in small group communication. Business-oriented and workplace examples, surveys, and studies bring chapter concepts to life. Expansive coverage of group roles includes detailed discussions of the types of informal group roles as well as comprehensive explanations of task, maintenance, and disruptive roles. In addition, insightful discussions of technology and its influence on small group communication is integrated throughout.

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