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Milking Time

von Rachael Treasure

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Connie Mulligan, daughter of a fourth-generation Tasmanian dairy farmer, feels like she doesn't belong – anywhere. She's got big dreams and big ideas, but she made a mess of her university degree and has been sent home in disgrace. The man who was responsible for her failure won't get out of her nightmares; her father won't listen to any of her ideas on how to make environmentally positive changes to the way the dairy farm is being run; her mum thinks she should go on anti-depressants; and she keeps having what her psychologist calls 'episodes'. Connie is stifled, frustrated, out of sorts and out of step – with her family, her town, her community and her time. Even when she reconnects with a long-lost relative and moves into her Granny's long-abandoned cottage, it still feels like nothing is quite right. It's not until an opportunity arises to travel to Ireland that a chance encounter with a wise old woman – and a knock on the head – sees Connie regain her confidence. And it is in Ireland that Connie realises that everything she wants back home is within her grasp; she's just got to reach out for what she wants and make it happen.… (mehr)
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Connie Mulligan, daughter of a fourth-generation Tasmanian dairy farmer, feels like she doesn't belong – anywhere. She's got big dreams and big ideas, but she made a mess of her university degree and has been sent home in disgrace. The man who was responsible for her failure won't get out of her nightmares; her father won't listen to any of her ideas on how to make environmentally positive changes to the way the dairy farm is being run; her mum thinks she should go on anti-depressants; and she keeps having what her psychologist calls 'episodes'. Connie is stifled, frustrated, out of sorts and out of step – with her family, her town, her community and her time. Even when she reconnects with a long-lost relative and moves into her Granny's long-abandoned cottage, it still feels like nothing is quite right. It's not until an opportunity arises to travel to Ireland that a chance encounter with a wise old woman – and a knock on the head – sees Connie regain her confidence. And it is in Ireland that Connie realises that everything she wants back home is within her grasp; she's just got to reach out for what she wants and make it happen.

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