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Faith and Public Policy von James R. Wilburn
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Faith and Public Policy (2002. Auflage)

von James R. Wilburn (Autor)

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Faith and Public Policy turns the spotlight on the role of faith in the public square and the spiritual consequences of public policymaking. The work brings together fourteen of America's most respected writers on the intersection of faith and public policy to discuss the changing roles of government, church, education, and the family. Chapters investigate such issues as inner city programs, the secularization of faith-based programs, the impact of tax policy on the family, and the status of school vouchers. Contributions by Steve Forbes and William E. Simon illustrate the deep personal faith that informs and fuels the public leadership of America's leading thinkers and political figures. Readers will find Faith and Public Policy a timely and vigorous conversation on the commingling of government and religion in America, a country eager to return to the Founding Generation's idea of a nation in covenant with God.… (mehr)
Titel:Faith and Public Policy
Autoren:James R. Wilburn (Autor)
Info:Lexington Books (2002), 186 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek (inactive), Wunschzettel (inactive), Lese gerade (inactive), Favoriten (inactive), Noch zu lesen (inactive), Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz (inactive)
Tags:Pepperdine Faculty Authors


Faith and Public Policy von James R. Wilburn

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonjlong242, jackal79, graceye, jhwalz
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Faith and Public Policy turns the spotlight on the role of faith in the public square and the spiritual consequences of public policymaking. The work brings together fourteen of America's most respected writers on the intersection of faith and public policy to discuss the changing roles of government, church, education, and the family. Chapters investigate such issues as inner city programs, the secularization of faith-based programs, the impact of tax policy on the family, and the status of school vouchers. Contributions by Steve Forbes and William E. Simon illustrate the deep personal faith that informs and fuels the public leadership of America's leading thinkers and political figures. Readers will find Faith and Public Policy a timely and vigorous conversation on the commingling of government and religion in America, a country eager to return to the Founding Generation's idea of a nation in covenant with God.

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