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Romans- Jensen Bible Self Study Guide…
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Romans- Jensen Bible Self Study Guide (Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide Series) (Original 1983; 1990. Auflage)

von Irving Jensen (Autor)

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The doctrines of Romans, straight to life To understand the deeper truths of the Word of God, study the book of Romans. Paul's letter reveals one important theological truth after another, laying a foundation for the Christian faith. By using this self-study guide you will be able to apply basic Bible doctrine to your everyday Christian experience. You'll understand more fully subjects such as justification, propitiation, the universality of sin, and the characteristics of new life in Christ. The books in the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series are designed to provide you with a broader understanding of God's Word. Offering historical context and background, author information, charts, and other helps, these books will equip you with a comprehensive reference tool you'll return to often. Each study includes an opportunity for analysis, response, and further study in a response-oriented format. The thirty-nine books in this series are suitable for both personal and group use.… (mehr)
Titel:Romans- Jensen Bible Self Study Guide (Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide Series)
Autoren:Irving Jensen (Autor)
Info:Moody Publishers (1990), Edition: New, 120 pages


Romans- Jensen Bible Self Study Guide (Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide Series) von Irving L. Jensen (1983)

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[Introduction] The fruits of Bible study depend in large measure upon how determined a student is to learn and to grow spiritually.
Romans 1:1-7 Setting: This is Paul's salutation to his Christian friends in Rome.
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The doctrines of Romans, straight to life To understand the deeper truths of the Word of God, study the book of Romans. Paul's letter reveals one important theological truth after another, laying a foundation for the Christian faith. By using this self-study guide you will be able to apply basic Bible doctrine to your everyday Christian experience. You'll understand more fully subjects such as justification, propitiation, the universality of sin, and the characteristics of new life in Christ. The books in the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series are designed to provide you with a broader understanding of God's Word. Offering historical context and background, author information, charts, and other helps, these books will equip you with a comprehensive reference tool you'll return to often. Each study includes an opportunity for analysis, response, and further study in a response-oriented format. The thirty-nine books in this series are suitable for both personal and group use.

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