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Babymouse #2: Our Hero von Jennifer Holm
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Babymouse #2: Our Hero (2005. Auflage)

von Jennifer Holm, Matthew Holm (Illustrator)

Reihen: Babymouse (2)

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5872342,256 (3.75)3
An imaginative young mouse is terrified to face her enemy in dodgeball, but with the help of her best friend and support from her mother, she not only plays the game, she proves herself a hero.
Titel:Babymouse #2: Our Hero
Autoren:Jennifer Holm
Weitere Autoren:Matthew Holm (Illustrator)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (2005), Paperback, 96 pages
Sammlungen:Lese gerade, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Babymouse, Our Hero von Jennifer Holm

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Baby mouse is a young girl/mouse that has a creative imagination and pictures herself in different scenarios, in this case as a superhero.
It is a good book for young girls, it is full of creativity, but also women empowerment and something to relate to as a young girl.
  nbishop21 | Jan 30, 2023 |
An eight-and-a-half-inch, fourteen-ounce ball of fearsome, humiliating danger looms in the imagination of Babymouse. She is anticipating the upcoming dodgeball match next week against her arch nemesis, Felicia Furrypaws, a cat skilled in the game. Her aim is acutely accurate. Her opponents flop on the gym floor toppled by her powerful throw. Poor Babymouse is terrible at the game. Dreadful anticipation lets her imagination runs wild. Worse, on the day of the big match, she’s left her sneakers at home! And yet, and yet, at the end of the game, Babymouse is the only player on her team left standing. Everything depends on her!

There’s nearly a hundred pages of silly, sarcastic, slapstick fun in this laugh out loud funny book. ( )
  MaowangVater | Apr 22, 2021 |
An easily-likable protagonist in relatable, fixable situations, young readers may be able to read through the Babymouse series of a young mouse learning to fix her own problems through her imagination and connections (friendships and family relations). In this particular Babymouse book, Babymouse is confronted with a school issue she cannot avoid. And so, with practice and assistance from her friends, she learns to rise above the challenge all while solidifying her connections with her loved ones. Despite the loving characters and the amazing illustration, this series would be more suitable for young children in the 3-6 grade level, because of its complex storyline, the layout of the story (especially when they run back and forth between her active imagination and reality), and the fact that this isn’t really an educational read.Even though each book administers their own message of “rising above” and “triumphing” as well as learning, it wouldn’t be a read for children working on their reading level and comprehension. ( )
  tngo5 | Oct 5, 2019 |
This is the story of babymouse, the is a imaginative little mouse who turns every day hardships into stories full of wonder. Babymouse is good at a lot of things but dodge ball isn't one of them and in a few days they are going to be playing dodge ball in gym. With the help of her friend Babymouse practices for dodge ball and when the day finally comes she manages to hit Felicia Furrypaws right in the head and the game was won. Baby mouse was everyone's hero.
  klamproe | Dec 2, 2017 |
Babymouse isn't good with fractions. Math class is a prison sentence. Most of this is about the totally archaic torture that is dodgeball in schools. She learns that "real heroes don't give up." (I love the reviews on the back.) ( )
  CALammert | Apr 6, 2016 |
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An imaginative young mouse is terrified to face her enemy in dodgeball, but with the help of her best friend and support from her mother, she not only plays the game, she proves herself a hero.

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