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Next Generation Wireless Applications: Creating Mobile Applications in a Web 2.0 and Mobile 2.0 World

von Paul Golding

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"Cuts through the hype! Golding's compelling style offers visionary, but practical insights. A "must have" reference treatment for all practitioners in the mobile innovation space." - Jag Minhas Second edition of the best-selling guide to wireless applications: fully revised, updated and with brand new material! In next generation Wireless Applications, Second Edition, the author establishes a picture of the entire mobile application ecosystem, and explains how it all fits together. This edition builds upon the successes of the first edition by offering an up-to-date holistic guide to mobile application development, including an assessment of the applicability of new mobile applications, and an exploration into the developments in a number of areas such as Web 2.0, 3G, Mobile TV, J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) and many more. Next Generation Wireless Applications will prove essential reading for professionals in mobile operator and mobile application developing companies, web developers, and developer community mangers. Media companies, general managers, business analysts, students, business consultants, and Java developers will also find this book captivating. "If you want to understand the future of mobile applications and services, their potential impact and the growth opportunities, this is the perfect starting point." - Martin Smith Key Features include: . New introductory chapters on trends in mobile application, and on becoming an operator. . Two new chapters on Mobile 2.0 and IMS and Mobilising Media and TV. . Extra material on convergence, Web 2.0 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), HSDPA ad MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service), WiMAX and WiFi. . Best practice on how to present to, sell to and work with operators. . More insights, anecdotes and sidebars reflecting the author's extensive experience in the industry. For further information visit… (mehr)
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"Cuts through the hype! Golding's compelling style offers visionary, but practical insights. A "must have" reference treatment for all practitioners in the mobile innovation space." - Jag Minhas Second edition of the best-selling guide to wireless applications: fully revised, updated and with brand new material! In next generation Wireless Applications, Second Edition, the author establishes a picture of the entire mobile application ecosystem, and explains how it all fits together. This edition builds upon the successes of the first edition by offering an up-to-date holistic guide to mobile application development, including an assessment of the applicability of new mobile applications, and an exploration into the developments in a number of areas such as Web 2.0, 3G, Mobile TV, J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) and many more. Next Generation Wireless Applications will prove essential reading for professionals in mobile operator and mobile application developing companies, web developers, and developer community mangers. Media companies, general managers, business analysts, students, business consultants, and Java developers will also find this book captivating. "If you want to understand the future of mobile applications and services, their potential impact and the growth opportunities, this is the perfect starting point." - Martin Smith Key Features include: . New introductory chapters on trends in mobile application, and on becoming an operator. . Two new chapters on Mobile 2.0 and IMS and Mobilising Media and TV. . Extra material on convergence, Web 2.0 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), HSDPA ad MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service), WiMAX and WiFi. . Best practice on how to present to, sell to and work with operators. . More insights, anecdotes and sidebars reflecting the author's extensive experience in the industry. For further information visit

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