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Architectural Modeling & Rendering with AutoCad R13 and R14

von Branko Kolarevic

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Everything architects need to master AutoCAD(r)'s exciting modeling and rendering features. When it comes to modeling and rendering with AutoCAD R13 and R14, this user-friendly book/CD package makes it easy to generate outstanding results. While it equips AutoCAD novices with the knowledge and skills required to create polished architectural drawings, models, and renderings, it also offers experienced AutoCAD users the information they need to use all of the program's outstanding new modeling, rendering, and animation features. Rather than just explaining how the software works, Branko Kolarevic guides you step by step through increasingly complex exercises built around Andrea Palladio's Renaissance masterpiece, "Villa Rotonda." Coverage is divided into four sections covering 2-D drawing, 3-D modeling, rendering, and animation. Each section begins with an introduction to key theoretical concepts that is followed by a series of skill-building tutorials demonstrating these principles in action. To help shorten the AutoCAD learning curve even further, the enclosed CD-ROM provides a library of all of the drawing, modeling, rendering, and animation steps detailed in the book. The CD is flexibly designed to allow users the freedom to focus on the supplied tutorials or to create their own designs based on the techniques described in the book. Together, this book and the accompanying CD-ROM give architects and students the ability to explore the full potential of the most popular architectural CAD software in use today.… (mehr)
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Everything architects need to master AutoCAD(r)'s exciting modeling and rendering features. When it comes to modeling and rendering with AutoCAD R13 and R14, this user-friendly book/CD package makes it easy to generate outstanding results. While it equips AutoCAD novices with the knowledge and skills required to create polished architectural drawings, models, and renderings, it also offers experienced AutoCAD users the information they need to use all of the program's outstanding new modeling, rendering, and animation features. Rather than just explaining how the software works, Branko Kolarevic guides you step by step through increasingly complex exercises built around Andrea Palladio's Renaissance masterpiece, "Villa Rotonda." Coverage is divided into four sections covering 2-D drawing, 3-D modeling, rendering, and animation. Each section begins with an introduction to key theoretical concepts that is followed by a series of skill-building tutorials demonstrating these principles in action. To help shorten the AutoCAD learning curve even further, the enclosed CD-ROM provides a library of all of the drawing, modeling, rendering, and animation steps detailed in the book. The CD is flexibly designed to allow users the freedom to focus on the supplied tutorials or to create their own designs based on the techniques described in the book. Together, this book and the accompanying CD-ROM give architects and students the ability to explore the full potential of the most popular architectural CAD software in use today.

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