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Residential Construction Academy: House…
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Residential Construction Academy: House Wiring (2015. Auflage)

von Gregory W Fletcher (Autor)

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RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY: HOUSE WIRING, 3E offers a concrete approach to teaching the most current electrical wiring practices in use in the housing industry. Like all books in the RCA series, House Wiring is based on the Skills Standards approved by NAHB's Home Builders Institute. The NAHB/HBI Skills Standards were developed by a board of industry and academic experts. Popular topics such as alternative energy systems and "green" coverage including sustainable building practices as they apply to house wiring are included in this new edition. This text is also updated to include the latest 2011 Electrical Code, An increased number of procedures help students better understand common house wiring practices along with additional end of the chapter review questions that help to reinforce material covered and improve critical thinking skills. Teaching aids such as a "From Experience" section which addresses common residential wiring practices and scenarios and "Caution" boxes that emphasize the on-going importance of safety help students retain and apply what they have learned. An English and Spanish glossary is also included.… (mehr)
Titel:Residential Construction Academy: House Wiring
Autoren:Gregory W Fletcher (Autor)
Info:Cengage Learning (2015), Edition: 4, 896 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Residential construction academy. House wiring von Gregory W Fletcher

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonTerrinM, Syed.Adnan, tsbilibrary, bluelotus28
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RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY: HOUSE WIRING, 3E offers a concrete approach to teaching the most current electrical wiring practices in use in the housing industry. Like all books in the RCA series, House Wiring is based on the Skills Standards approved by NAHB's Home Builders Institute. The NAHB/HBI Skills Standards were developed by a board of industry and academic experts. Popular topics such as alternative energy systems and "green" coverage including sustainable building practices as they apply to house wiring are included in this new edition. This text is also updated to include the latest 2011 Electrical Code, An increased number of procedures help students better understand common house wiring practices along with additional end of the chapter review questions that help to reinforce material covered and improve critical thinking skills. Teaching aids such as a "From Experience" section which addresses common residential wiring practices and scenarios and "Caution" boxes that emphasize the on-going importance of safety help students retain and apply what they have learned. An English and Spanish glossary is also included.

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