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Great Speeches by American Women

von James Daley (Herausgeber)

Weitere Autoren: Jane Addams (Mitwirkender), Mary McLeod Bethune (Mitwirkender), Shirley Chisholm (Mitwirkender), Hillary Rodham Clinton (Mitwirkender), Geraldine Ferraro (Mitwirkender)14 mehr, Mary Fisher (Mitwirkender), Jane Fonda (Mitwirkender), Emma Goldman (Mitwirkender), Lucretia Mott (Mitwirkender), Nancy Pelosi (Mitwirkender), Ann Richards (Mitwirkender), Eleanor Roosevelt (Mitwirkender), Margaret Sanger (Mitwirkender), Margaret Chase Smith (Mitwirkender), Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Mitwirkender), Gloria Steinem (Mitwirkender), Lucy Stone (Mitwirkender), Sojourner Truth (Mitwirkender), Ida Wells-Barnett (Mitwirkender)

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60Keine449,596 (3.33)2
Literary Criticism. Nonfiction. HTML:

From civil rights to the right to vote, women have spoken up and spoken out throughout American history. Brimming with great power and eloquence, here are twenty-one legendary speeches from the country's most inspirational female voices, including Jane Addams, Emma Goldman, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Spanning the centuries from 1851 to 2007, these are the rousing words that continue to endure in our nation's consciousness.

This distinguished collection includes these American women and their speeches: Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I a Woman?" 1851; Susan B. Anthony, "On Behalf of the Woman Suffrage Amendment," 1880; Margaret Sanger, "A Moral Necessity of Birth Control," 1921; Mary McLeod Bethune, "A Century of Progress of Negro Women," 1933; Eleanor Roosevelt, "On the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," 1948; Shirley Chisholm, "People and Peace, Not Profits and War," 1969; Geraldine Ferraro, "Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address," 1984; Gloria Steinem, "A Twenty-First Century Feminism," 2002; Nancy Pelosi, "Speech Upon Her Election as Speaker of the House," 2007, and many more unforgettable speeches by spirited and influential American women.

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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Daley, JamesHerausgeberHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Addams, JaneMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bethune, Mary McLeodMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Chisholm, ShirleyMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Clinton, Hillary RodhamMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Ferraro, GeraldineMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Fisher, MaryMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Fonda, JaneMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Goldman, EmmaMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Mott, LucretiaMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Pelosi, NancyMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Richards, AnnMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Roosevelt, EleanorMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Sanger, MargaretMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Smith, Margaret ChaseMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Stanton, Elizabeth CadyMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Steinem, GloriaMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Stone, LucyMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Truth, SojournerMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wells-Barnett, IdaMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Literary Criticism. Nonfiction. HTML:

From civil rights to the right to vote, women have spoken up and spoken out throughout American history. Brimming with great power and eloquence, here are twenty-one legendary speeches from the country's most inspirational female voices, including Jane Addams, Emma Goldman, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Spanning the centuries from 1851 to 2007, these are the rousing words that continue to endure in our nation's consciousness.

This distinguished collection includes these American women and their speeches: Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I a Woman?" 1851; Susan B. Anthony, "On Behalf of the Woman Suffrage Amendment," 1880; Margaret Sanger, "A Moral Necessity of Birth Control," 1921; Mary McLeod Bethune, "A Century of Progress of Negro Women," 1933; Eleanor Roosevelt, "On the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," 1948; Shirley Chisholm, "People and Peace, Not Profits and War," 1969; Geraldine Ferraro, "Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address," 1984; Gloria Steinem, "A Twenty-First Century Feminism," 2002; Nancy Pelosi, "Speech Upon Her Election as Speaker of the House," 2007, and many more unforgettable speeches by spirited and influential American women.


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