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Exploring society : sociology for New…
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Exploring society : sociology for New Zealand students (2010. Auflage)

von Gregor McLennan

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A brand new edition of the bestselling sociology textbook, written by New Zealand's leading sociologists for New Zealand students. To stores 1 February 2019 for first semester adoptions. This is a 4th edition of New Zealand's leading sociology textbook. The book introduces sociological concepts and methods before investigating key areas of sociology (class, race, gender, family life, health, death, work, the city, populations, technology, religion, leisure and crime) through the New Zealand experience. The book includes many useful pedagogical features: key word definitions and push text in the margins key themes highlighted study questions further reading engaging full colour photography case studies written by working sociologists This 4th edition has been revised and rewritten throughout by a renewed author team. Key changes include: data, examples and case studies completely updated chapters re-ordered and a new chapter on death added to reflect requests from departments using the book as a teaching text more emphasis on tikanga and kaupapa Maori refreshed photograph selection with a local focus Exploring Society is an engaging, comprehensive and up to date introduction for New Zealand sociology students… (mehr)
Titel:Exploring society : sociology for New Zealand students
Autoren:Gregor McLennan
Info:Auckland, N.Z. : Pearson, 2010.
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Exploring society : sociology for New Zealand students von Gregor McLennan

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A brand new edition of the bestselling sociology textbook, written by New Zealand's leading sociologists for New Zealand students. To stores 1 February 2019 for first semester adoptions. This is a 4th edition of New Zealand's leading sociology textbook. The book introduces sociological concepts and methods before investigating key areas of sociology (class, race, gender, family life, health, death, work, the city, populations, technology, religion, leisure and crime) through the New Zealand experience. The book includes many useful pedagogical features: key word definitions and push text in the margins key themes highlighted study questions further reading engaging full colour photography case studies written by working sociologists This 4th edition has been revised and rewritten throughout by a renewed author team. Key changes include: data, examples and case studies completely updated chapters re-ordered and a new chapter on death added to reflect requests from departments using the book as a teaching text more emphasis on tikanga and kaupapa Maori refreshed photograph selection with a local focus Exploring Society is an engaging, comprehensive and up to date introduction for New Zealand sociology students

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