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Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential…
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Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics (2007. Auflage)

von Jimm Harrison (Autor)

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Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics and Spa Therapy explores the complex and important chemistry and application of essential oils. With alternative and natural therapies becoming a part of daily life, this pertinent topic deserves this complete and informative treatment. Through aromatherapy, the use of essential oils is a creative, versatile, and powerfully effective treatment. This text provides the tools and knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of essential oil therapy, and confidently utilize its healing potential. The text addresses aromatherapy from multiple angles including chemically, biologically, and holistically. The reader will also benefit from the incorporation of psychology, philosophy, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle in terms of their relevance to essential oil use. Multiple photos and charts help illustrate the content. Extensive coverage of 33 essential oils presents in-depth knowledge of how these oils should be valued and used in a spa or medical setting. The book carefully notes and explains the many varying descriptions of essential oils that are out there, and describes in detail the reasons why conflicting information exists and how to filter through it. The inclusion of the plant origin of the essential oils in order to more clearly define their healing properties as well as their relationship with human hormonal balance adds dimensions to the text. In all, Aromatherapy provides a thorough and accurate essential oils study and will remain an invaluable resource in continued practice.… (mehr)
Titel:Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics
Autoren:Jimm Harrison (Autor)
Info:Milady (2007), Edition: 1, 416 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics von Jimm Harrison

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonchapterspk, GDBONLINE, GDBSTORE, Syed.Adnan
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Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics and Spa Therapy explores the complex and important chemistry and application of essential oils. With alternative and natural therapies becoming a part of daily life, this pertinent topic deserves this complete and informative treatment. Through aromatherapy, the use of essential oils is a creative, versatile, and powerfully effective treatment. This text provides the tools and knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of essential oil therapy, and confidently utilize its healing potential. The text addresses aromatherapy from multiple angles including chemically, biologically, and holistically. The reader will also benefit from the incorporation of psychology, philosophy, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle in terms of their relevance to essential oil use. Multiple photos and charts help illustrate the content. Extensive coverage of 33 essential oils presents in-depth knowledge of how these oils should be valued and used in a spa or medical setting. The book carefully notes and explains the many varying descriptions of essential oils that are out there, and describes in detail the reasons why conflicting information exists and how to filter through it. The inclusion of the plant origin of the essential oils in order to more clearly define their healing properties as well as their relationship with human hormonal balance adds dimensions to the text. In all, Aromatherapy provides a thorough and accurate essential oils study and will remain an invaluable resource in continued practice.

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