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Malefice von Leslie Wilson
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Malefice (Original 1992; 1993. Auflage)

von Leslie Wilson

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631430,197 (3.33)5
"Bioenergy Research: Advances and Applications" brings biology and engineering together to address the challenges of future energy needs. The book consolidates the most recent research on current technologies, concepts, and commercial developments in various types of widely used biofuels and integrated biorefineries, across the disciplines of biochemistry, biotechnology, phytology, and microbiology.All the chapters in the book are derived from international scientific experts in their respective research areas. They provide you with clear and concise information on both standard and more recent bioenergy production methods, including hydrolysis and microbial fermentation. Chapters are also designed to facilitate early stage researchers, and enables you to easily grasp the concepts, methodologies and application of bioenergy technologies. Each chapter in the book describes the merits and drawbacks of each technology as well as its usefulness. The book provides information on recent approaches to graduates, post-graduates, researchers and practitioners studying and working in field of the bioenergy. It is an invaluable information resource on biomass-based biofuels for fundamental and applied research, catering to researchers in the areas of bio-hydrogen, bioethanol, bio-methane and biorefineries, and the use of microbial processes in the conversion of biomass into biofuels. Reviews all existing and promising technologies for production of advanced biofuels in addition to bioenergy policies and research fundingCutting-edge research concepts for biofuels production using biological and biochemical routes, including microbial fuel cellsIncludes production methods and conversion processes for all types of biofuels, including bioethanol and biohydrogen, and outlines the pros and cons of each "… (mehr)
Autoren:Leslie Wilson
Info:Pantheon (1993), Edition: First American Edition, Hardcover, 168 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Malefice von Leslie Wilson (1992)

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This novel tackles an interesting subject. Set during the turbulent English Civil War, a vicar spends the night in the gaol cell of an old woman who is to be hanged for witchcraft in the morning. He questions her on the various crimes of which she is accused, wanting answers which will satisfy his own tormenting religious doubts, and his doubts about his dead wife and whether or not she was unfaithful to him. To obtain answers, he inflicts torture on the woman, such as having her walked up and down the cell by gaolers, kept awake (by implication for days before this) and even beaten.

The story is told from multiple viewpoints, including that of the old woman, Alice, the vicar and many others in the community. She seems to condemn herself, as the village wise woman who exploited her position of fear and was the daughter of the previous wise man. She has had an unusual history compared to others who have never left their village, because, as a young woman, she ran off with a handsome juggler leaving her daughter Margaret and husband, which is another thing to set her apart. Alice had a troubled relationship with Margaret who felt unloved, and also with an adopted daughter, the child of her sister who died giving birth. Yet it becomes clear that a lot of the accusations are unfair and should instead be directed against other people.

As well as the multiple viewpoint, the story is told in small snippets so the viewpoint switches are frequent. Every character has his or her axe to grind. The outcome is not in doubt either, because the opening segment is by Margaret who has fled the area with her family having first buried her mother in the churchyard - a burial place denied those who have been executed for witchcraft, but which, as it transpires, the vicar will not challenge for reasons of his own.

I found a problem with the constant swapping around between so many viewpoints, which for me diluted the narrative and made it difficult to keep track of who was who at times, a problem worsened because there wasn't much differentiation between the voices. So an interesting concept and period of history but not quite well enough executed to really hold my interest. ( )
  kitsune_reader | Nov 23, 2023 |
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"Bioenergy Research: Advances and Applications" brings biology and engineering together to address the challenges of future energy needs. The book consolidates the most recent research on current technologies, concepts, and commercial developments in various types of widely used biofuels and integrated biorefineries, across the disciplines of biochemistry, biotechnology, phytology, and microbiology.All the chapters in the book are derived from international scientific experts in their respective research areas. They provide you with clear and concise information on both standard and more recent bioenergy production methods, including hydrolysis and microbial fermentation. Chapters are also designed to facilitate early stage researchers, and enables you to easily grasp the concepts, methodologies and application of bioenergy technologies. Each chapter in the book describes the merits and drawbacks of each technology as well as its usefulness. The book provides information on recent approaches to graduates, post-graduates, researchers and practitioners studying and working in field of the bioenergy. It is an invaluable information resource on biomass-based biofuels for fundamental and applied research, catering to researchers in the areas of bio-hydrogen, bioethanol, bio-methane and biorefineries, and the use of microbial processes in the conversion of biomass into biofuels. Reviews all existing and promising technologies for production of advanced biofuels in addition to bioenergy policies and research fundingCutting-edge research concepts for biofuels production using biological and biochemical routes, including microbial fuel cellsIncludes production methods and conversion processes for all types of biofuels, including bioethanol and biohydrogen, and outlines the pros and cons of each "

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