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The Kids Book of Canadian Geography

von Briony Penn

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This installment in the critically acclaimed and bestselling Kids Book of? series is a landmark event in Canadian publishing. The Kids Book of Canadian Geography, the only trade book of its kind, is an indispensable resource. Writer and illustrator Briony Penn takes a fresh approach by showing how Canada's landscape, life forms, ecosystems and climate yield clues to help youngsters understand the ever-changing story of geography. What does a huge rock in the middle of a plain tell us? What makes spruce trees adapted to the north? What does the star-nosed mole tell us about woodlands? These and many other clues are explained to help youngsters "decode" and understand their environments. This book traces the continents' formation and explains how they arrived at their present state, touching on ancient landscapes, evolving climate, continent shaping and life on the land, including human settlement. Then, kids get a richly detailed and illustrated tour through the eight geographical regions of their country.… (mehr)
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This installment in the critically acclaimed and bestselling Kids Book of? series is a landmark event in Canadian publishing. The Kids Book of Canadian Geography, the only trade book of its kind, is an indispensable resource. Writer and illustrator Briony Penn takes a fresh approach by showing how Canada's landscape, life forms, ecosystems and climate yield clues to help youngsters understand the ever-changing story of geography. What does a huge rock in the middle of a plain tell us? What makes spruce trees adapted to the north? What does the star-nosed mole tell us about woodlands? These and many other clues are explained to help youngsters "decode" and understand their environments. This book traces the continents' formation and explains how they arrived at their present state, touching on ancient landscapes, evolving climate, continent shaping and life on the land, including human settlement. Then, kids get a richly detailed and illustrated tour through the eight geographical regions of their country.

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