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Physical Dimensions of Aging, 2nd Edition…
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Physical Dimensions of Aging, 2nd Edition (2004. Auflage)

von Waneen Spirduso (Autor)

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The physical aging process progresses every day--and so does our understanding of it. Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, will keep students and professionals up to date on the outcomes of the latest research studies and their implications for the elderly in the real world. Physical aging affects us cognitively, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. The book discusses how people age physically and how this aging affects other dimensions of life. The second edition of Physical Dimensions of Aging has been updated to integrate research findings on physical aging from more than 100 different journals in myriad fields, creating interdisciplinary coverage on the topic. It provides students and professionals with what they need to know about physical aging in order to conduct clinical research and to work with clients and patients. In doing so, it retains its landmark status as the definitive reference on aging. Moreover, Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, focuses less on explaining the measurement techniques and research design and more on the outcome of the studies and their practical implications for everyday living. This approach will enable professionals and students to do the following: -Understand the physical aging process and its effects on other dimensions of life. -Apply the latest research in working with adults and the elderly. -Become more effective in their professions. The structure of this new edition is more conducive to learning and features the following: -Chapter objectives -Key terms -Sidebars of capsule research studies -Testimonials, vignettes, and other tidbits that tie the research information to the real world -Review questions to assist students in synthesizing and remembering the information -Short lists of recommended reading for those who want to pursue the topic in more detail -A glossary at the end of the book This second edition is organized into five parts. Part I provides an introduction to aging, to the field of gerontology, and to the research process for studying individual differences. Part II describes the physical changes in structure, capacity, and endurance. Part III overviews the factors related to motor coordination, motor control, and skill learning for older adults. Part IV addresses physical-psychosocial relationships, including health, exercise, and cognitive function as well as health-related expectations of quality of life for older adults. Part V highlights physical performance and achievement especially to showcase the results from consistent effort and hard work of physically elite older adults as inspiration for others. At a time when many people are telling older adults what they can't do, professionals should be telling them what they can do. Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, will equip professionals to do so.… (mehr)
Titel:Physical Dimensions of Aging, 2nd Edition
Autoren:Waneen Spirduso (Autor)
Info:Human Kinetics (2004), Edition: 2nd, 374 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek (inactive), Wunschzettel (inactive), Lese gerade (inactive), Favoriten (inactive), Noch zu lesen (inactive), Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz (inactive)
Tags:Pepperdine Faculty Authors


Physical Dimensions of Aging von Waneen Spirduso

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The physical aging process progresses every day--and so does our understanding of it. Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, will keep students and professionals up to date on the outcomes of the latest research studies and their implications for the elderly in the real world. Physical aging affects us cognitively, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. The book discusses how people age physically and how this aging affects other dimensions of life. The second edition of Physical Dimensions of Aging has been updated to integrate research findings on physical aging from more than 100 different journals in myriad fields, creating interdisciplinary coverage on the topic. It provides students and professionals with what they need to know about physical aging in order to conduct clinical research and to work with clients and patients. In doing so, it retains its landmark status as the definitive reference on aging. Moreover, Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, focuses less on explaining the measurement techniques and research design and more on the outcome of the studies and their practical implications for everyday living. This approach will enable professionals and students to do the following: -Understand the physical aging process and its effects on other dimensions of life. -Apply the latest research in working with adults and the elderly. -Become more effective in their professions. The structure of this new edition is more conducive to learning and features the following: -Chapter objectives -Key terms -Sidebars of capsule research studies -Testimonials, vignettes, and other tidbits that tie the research information to the real world -Review questions to assist students in synthesizing and remembering the information -Short lists of recommended reading for those who want to pursue the topic in more detail -A glossary at the end of the book This second edition is organized into five parts. Part I provides an introduction to aging, to the field of gerontology, and to the research process for studying individual differences. Part II describes the physical changes in structure, capacity, and endurance. Part III overviews the factors related to motor coordination, motor control, and skill learning for older adults. Part IV addresses physical-psychosocial relationships, including health, exercise, and cognitive function as well as health-related expectations of quality of life for older adults. Part V highlights physical performance and achievement especially to showcase the results from consistent effort and hard work of physically elite older adults as inspiration for others. At a time when many people are telling older adults what they can't do, professionals should be telling them what they can do. Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, will equip professionals to do so.

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