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A great commission : Christian hope and religious diversity : papers in honour of Kenneth Cracknell on his 65th birthday

von Kenneth Cracknell

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This book is a Festschrift for Kenneth Cracknell on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Cracknell has had an astonishingly varied career leading him to hold a number of distinguished positions. From being a missionary educator in Nigeria, and then a pastoral minister in Loughborough, he became the first Secretary of the Committee for Relations with People of Other Faiths of the British Council of Churches. Later he held the Michael C. Gutteridge Chair of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Wesley House, Cambridge, and he is now Director of Global Studies and Professor of Theology and Mission at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University. In honour of Cracknell's own achievements his distinguished colleagues, friends and students here survey the achievements of Christian theologies of religion in the recent past, examining such themes as 'Jesus in Islam', 'Translating the Gospel Everywhere' and 'John Wesley as Interreligious Resource'. They also look at themes and issues that currently engage Christian theologians and missiologists in a multi-faith context: 'Christians and Religious Pluralism in the Netherlands', 'Religion and Peace Making in South Africa', 'A Theology of Jewish-Christian Dialogue', 'Theological Education in Today's Multi-Religious Setting' among others. This collection of essays makes a significant contribution to Christian hope in our diverse world at the beginning of the third millennium.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonRowland-McBratney, ohclibrary, polar-library

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This book is a Festschrift for Kenneth Cracknell on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Cracknell has had an astonishingly varied career leading him to hold a number of distinguished positions. From being a missionary educator in Nigeria, and then a pastoral minister in Loughborough, he became the first Secretary of the Committee for Relations with People of Other Faiths of the British Council of Churches. Later he held the Michael C. Gutteridge Chair of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Wesley House, Cambridge, and he is now Director of Global Studies and Professor of Theology and Mission at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University. In honour of Cracknell's own achievements his distinguished colleagues, friends and students here survey the achievements of Christian theologies of religion in the recent past, examining such themes as 'Jesus in Islam', 'Translating the Gospel Everywhere' and 'John Wesley as Interreligious Resource'. They also look at themes and issues that currently engage Christian theologians and missiologists in a multi-faith context: 'Christians and Religious Pluralism in the Netherlands', 'Religion and Peace Making in South Africa', 'A Theology of Jewish-Christian Dialogue', 'Theological Education in Today's Multi-Religious Setting' among others. This collection of essays makes a significant contribution to Christian hope in our diverse world at the beginning of the third millennium.

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