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Basic Concepts of Legal Thought

von George P. Fletcher

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In this one-of-a-kind text, George P. Fletcher, a renowned legal theorist, offers a provocative yet accessible overview of the basics of legal thought. The first section of the book is designed to introduce the reader to fundamental concepts such as the rule of law and deciding cases under thelaw. It continues with an analysis of the values of justice, desert, consent, and equality, as they figure into our judgment of legal cultures in terms of soundness and legitimacy. The final chapters address the problems of morality and consistency in the law. In each case the author not onlyintroduces the basic ideas but considers important arguments in the contemporary literature and raises original claims of his own. Ideally suited for courses in the philosophy of law, legal issues, and jurisprudence, Basic Concepts of Legal Thought fills a void in the literature, as there is noother volume that both eases law students into the mysteries of legal philosophy and provides an introduction to the legal mind for non-lawyers.… (mehr)
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For Herbert Morris and all my teachers who introduced me to the beauties and mysteries of the law.
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In this one-of-a-kind text, George P. Fletcher, a renowned legal theorist, offers a provocative yet accessible overview of the basics of legal thought. The first section of the book is designed to introduce the reader to fundamental concepts such as the rule of law and deciding cases under thelaw. It continues with an analysis of the values of justice, desert, consent, and equality, as they figure into our judgment of legal cultures in terms of soundness and legitimacy. The final chapters address the problems of morality and consistency in the law. In each case the author not onlyintroduces the basic ideas but considers important arguments in the contemporary literature and raises original claims of his own. Ideally suited for courses in the philosophy of law, legal issues, and jurisprudence, Basic Concepts of Legal Thought fills a void in the literature, as there is noother volume that both eases law students into the mysteries of legal philosophy and provides an introduction to the legal mind for non-lawyers.

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340.1Social sciences Law Law Theory

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