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Sweet Dreams (Halle Pumas, #2) von Dana…
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Sweet Dreams (Halle Pumas, #2) (2008. Auflage)

von Dana Marie Bell

Reihen: Halle Pumas (2)

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1196237,312 (3.54)Keine
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Sweet dreams can easily become nightmares.

Halle Pumas Book 2

Rebecca Yaeger finds more at the masquerade ball than she bargained for.  Getting attacked by some crazed she-devil, complete with claws and fangs, certainly wasnâ??t on her agenda for the evening.   In a few slashing moments, Becky learns things about her friends and the man she loves she never would have suspected.â??

When Simon rescues Becky from an unprovoked attack by one of his Pride, he finally confirms what heâ??s long suspected: sheâ??s his mate. Carrying her off to his home and dressing her wounds gives him the chance heâ??s been waiting forâ??to taste her and mark her has his. And sheâ??s far sweeter than anything, or anyone, heâ??s ever had before.â??

Just as their happiness begins to take hold, a strange illness begins to haunt Becky, threatening to turn their sweet dr… (mehr)

Titel:Sweet Dreams (Halle Pumas, #2)
Autoren:Dana Marie Bell
Info:Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (2008), Kindle Edition, 93 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Sweet Dreams von Dana Marie Bell

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Humor, keeping it real with overwhelming dominating man and the deep devotion he has for her
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
"2.5 out of 5 stars. I liked the story mostly because I got to read more about the main characters, Max and Emma, again. But it was cute and sexy."

Read more of this review here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Mar 21, 2016 |
Simon has figured out that Becky is his mate but he can't get her alone and she disappears whenever he shows up.

Emma and Max, their best friends conspired to help the couple come together but and jealous, viscous she-kitty-ho almost ruined everything and will she try again?

If you are having a really bad day and need to relax and fined a laugh, or two, or three, this series is the go to series. Just when I think I am done laughing something else starts it all over again and I am left breathless from laughing so hard.

The entire review can be found at ( )
  LauraLusReviews | May 17, 2015 |
It has been a little while since I read this book but here is what I recall...

I love the series!! Yummy romance involving shifters. Plenty of steamy action and a touch of humor!

Definitely a series to get into! I started it and didn't stop until I reached the last book that was released! I am always looking for the next book!

If you like steamy shifter romances this is a series to look into!!!! ( )
  grapeapril75 | Oct 18, 2014 |
Not as entertaining as the first, but still good. Funny and light. Some steamy sex. ( )
  lesmel | May 19, 2013 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Sweet dreams can easily become nightmares.

Halle Pumas Book 2

Rebecca Yaeger finds more at the masquerade ball than she bargained for.  Getting attacked by some crazed she-devil, complete with claws and fangs, certainly wasnâ??t on her agenda for the evening.   In a few slashing moments, Becky learns things about her friends and the man she loves she never would have suspected.â??

When Simon rescues Becky from an unprovoked attack by one of his Pride, he finally confirms what heâ??s long suspected: sheâ??s his mate. Carrying her off to his home and dressing her wounds gives him the chance heâ??s been waiting forâ??to taste her and mark her has his. And sheâ??s far sweeter than anything, or anyone, heâ??s ever had before.â??

Just as their happiness begins to take hold, a strange illness begins to haunt Becky, threatening to turn their sweet dr

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