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Food Glorious Food: Incredibly Delicious Low-GL Recipes

von Patrick Holford

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Food GLorious Food is not a diet or cookbook in the traditional sense but rather a celebration of the ingredients that can help us all to eat a healthier diet. This is no tough dietary regime though - the recipes are delicious and exciting and have the added advantage of being low GL too. That means you - and your guests - can enjoy meals that are both deeply satisfying and health enriching. Written in association with Fiona McDonald Joyce, who specialises in healthy food that doesn't compromise on taste, Food GLorious Food is filled with dishes that'll impress family and friends - without the need to resort to creamy sauces, sugar-laden concoctions or overly complex cooking texhniques. With everything from curries to healthy roasts and gluten-free chocolate brownies, good food is firmly on the menu. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to feel and look healthier and boost energy levels, without disappointing their taste buds.… (mehr)
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Food GLorious Food is not a diet or cookbook in the traditional sense but rather a celebration of the ingredients that can help us all to eat a healthier diet. This is no tough dietary regime though - the recipes are delicious and exciting and have the added advantage of being low GL too. That means you - and your guests - can enjoy meals that are both deeply satisfying and health enriching. Written in association with Fiona McDonald Joyce, who specialises in healthy food that doesn't compromise on taste, Food GLorious Food is filled with dishes that'll impress family and friends - without the need to resort to creamy sauces, sugar-laden concoctions or overly complex cooking texhniques. With everything from curries to healthy roasts and gluten-free chocolate brownies, good food is firmly on the menu. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to feel and look healthier and boost energy levels, without disappointing their taste buds.

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