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College Physics: A Strategic Approach,…
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College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Global Edition (2014. Auflage)

von Randall D. Knight (Professor Emeritus) (Autor)

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Building on the research-proven instructional techniques introduced in Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers, the most widely adopted new physics text in more than 30 years, College Physics: A Strategic Approach set a new standard for algebra-based introductory physics--gaining widespread critical acclaim from professors and students alike.   For the Second Edition, Randy Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field continue to apply the best results from educational research and refine and tailor them for this course and the particular needs of its students. New pedagogical features (Chapter Previews, Integrated Examples, and Part Summary problems) and fine-tuned and streamlined content take the hallmarks of the First Edition--exceptionally effective conceptual explanation and problem-solving instruction-to a new level. More than any other book, College Physics leads you to proficient and long-lasting problem-solving skills, a deeper and better-connected understanding of the concepts, and a broader picture of the relevance of physics to your chosen career and the world around you.    College Physics Technology Update, Second Edition is accompanied by more than 100 QR codes that appear throughout the textbook, enabling you to use your smartphone or tablet to instantly watch interactive videos about relevant demonstrations or problem-solving strategies.… (mehr)
Titel:College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Global Edition
Autoren:Randall D. Knight (Professor Emeritus) (Autor)
Info:Pearson (2014), Edition: 3, 1096 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


College Physics: A Strategic Approach von RandallD.Knight

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I have a bachelor's degree in physics, and I now teach high school physics. I firmly believe that physics is learned best with calculus, but Iowa standards don't allow me to teach calculus in high school physics, even in AP Physics. Given that constraint, this is an excellent textbook for high school physics. All of the equations in the book are algebra based, but the explanations provide a foundation for physics with calculus. For example, students are taught to find the area under a line (using geometry) which sets the stage for finding the area under a curve (using calculus). In spite of the textbook's name, this is not an appropriate textbook for college physics classes; university students need to study calculus before beginning physics if they want to have any success in their physics careers. I recommend University Physics, by Young and Freedman, for college students. Both textbooks are produced by Pearson, and that is apparent in the formatting of the textbook. This book provides explanations, example problems, and homework sets exactly as I expect it to given my four years of experience with University Physics. Content which appears in both books (i.e. the less advanced material) is even covered in the same manner in each textbook; this allows me to differentiate instruction for advanced students by pulling more difficult versions of the same content from the more advanced text.
  AliciaBooks | Oct 3, 2022 |
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Building on the research-proven instructional techniques introduced in Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers, the most widely adopted new physics text in more than 30 years, College Physics: A Strategic Approach set a new standard for algebra-based introductory physics--gaining widespread critical acclaim from professors and students alike.   For the Second Edition, Randy Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field continue to apply the best results from educational research and refine and tailor them for this course and the particular needs of its students. New pedagogical features (Chapter Previews, Integrated Examples, and Part Summary problems) and fine-tuned and streamlined content take the hallmarks of the First Edition--exceptionally effective conceptual explanation and problem-solving instruction-to a new level. More than any other book, College Physics leads you to proficient and long-lasting problem-solving skills, a deeper and better-connected understanding of the concepts, and a broader picture of the relevance of physics to your chosen career and the world around you.    College Physics Technology Update, Second Edition is accompanied by more than 100 QR codes that appear throughout the textbook, enabling you to use your smartphone or tablet to instantly watch interactive videos about relevant demonstrations or problem-solving strategies.

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530Natural sciences and mathematics Physics Physics

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