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Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Vol. 2: David Becomes Goliath

von Alan Hart

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David Becomes Goliath is Volume II of Alan Hart's epic work, ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS. It reveals the detailed and fully documented story, starting from 1948, of why the assertion that Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, the "driving into the sea" of its Jews, is Zionist propaganda nonsense. In the true story of what really happened after Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence, the Arab armies did not have the ability to defeat Israel's forces and, despite some stupid Arab rhetoric to the contrary which was a propaganda gift for Zionism, the Arab regimes had no intention of trying to destroy Israel. Here, too, is the riveting story of how Zionism, assisted by deluded British and French leaders and American hawks, conned the Western world into believing that Eygpt's President Nasser was as an enemy of the West when, actually, he was seeking an accommodation with Israel from almost his first days in power and wanted more than anything else a relationship with America on equal terms with Israel. Hart takes us inside President Eisenhower's struggle to contain Zionism, and President Kennedy's unsuccessful attempt to prevent the Zionist state acquiring an atom bomb (an acquisition still not admitted by either the US or Israel to this very day). Most importantly, Volume II records a turning point: the defeat of reason in Israel, and the despairing diary entry of Moshe Sharett (Israel's foreign minister and briefly prime minister who was opposed to almost everything Ben-Gurion represented): "What is our vision on this earth-war to the end of generations and life by the sword?"… (mehr)
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David Becomes Goliath is Volume II of Alan Hart's epic work, ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS. It reveals the detailed and fully documented story, starting from 1948, of why the assertion that Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, the "driving into the sea" of its Jews, is Zionist propaganda nonsense. In the true story of what really happened after Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence, the Arab armies did not have the ability to defeat Israel's forces and, despite some stupid Arab rhetoric to the contrary which was a propaganda gift for Zionism, the Arab regimes had no intention of trying to destroy Israel. Here, too, is the riveting story of how Zionism, assisted by deluded British and French leaders and American hawks, conned the Western world into believing that Eygpt's President Nasser was as an enemy of the West when, actually, he was seeking an accommodation with Israel from almost his first days in power and wanted more than anything else a relationship with America on equal terms with Israel. Hart takes us inside President Eisenhower's struggle to contain Zionism, and President Kennedy's unsuccessful attempt to prevent the Zionist state acquiring an atom bomb (an acquisition still not admitted by either the US or Israel to this very day). Most importantly, Volume II records a turning point: the defeat of reason in Israel, and the despairing diary entry of Moshe Sharett (Israel's foreign minister and briefly prime minister who was opposed to almost everything Ben-Gurion represented): "What is our vision on this earth-war to the end of generations and life by the sword?"

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