285+ Werke 5,727 Mitglieder 49 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 4 Lesern

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Werke von Christophe Arleston

Lanfeust von Troy, Bd.4 (1996) 141 Exemplare
Troll von Troy, Bd.5 (2001) 80 Exemplare
Troll von Troy 08. Rock'n'Troll (2004) 64 Exemplare
Troll von Troy 10 (2007) 54 Exemplare
Troll von Troy 11: Trollympia (2008) 44 Exemplare
Lanfeust Odyssee, Band 2 (2010) 43 Exemplare
Morea t.1 : le sang des anges (2000) 36 Exemplare
Troll von Troy, Band 13 (2010) 34 Exemplare
Lanfeust Odyssee, Band 3 (2011) 33 Exemplare
Der Krater von Alexandrien (2008) 15 Exemplare
Sangre T 01 (2016) 14 Exemplare
MOREA T06 LA MORT DANS LE SANG (2011) 13 Exemplare
Voyage aux ombres (2011) 12 Exemplare
Elfes T25: Vengeance noire (2019) 11 Exemplare
L'Expédition d'Alunÿs (2010) 11 Exemplare
Morea T07: La Fureur des Anges (2013) 10 Exemplare
Ythaq, 17: De grot der blikken (2020) 10 Exemplare
Gainsbourg : Polars polaires (2005) 9 Exemplare
Lanfeust Quest Vol.1 (2007) 8 Exemplare
Le Codex d'Opale (2006) 7 Exemplare
Grüne Hölle von Troy, Die (2014) 7 Exemplare
De sirenen van de ouwe haven (1992) 7 Exemplare
Elfes T30 (2021) 7 Exemplare
Souper des maléfices (Le) (2016) 4 Exemplare
Lanfeust Quest Vol.2 (2008) 4 Exemplare
Propergol sur le Capitole (1998) 4 Exemplare
Froide vendange (2006) 3 Exemplare
Grillade Provençale (1995) 3 Exemplare
Lanfeust Quest Vol.5 (2010) 3 Exemplare
Lanfeust Quest Vol.4 (2009) 3 Exemplare
Die Gnome von Troy. Band 4 (2023) 3 Exemplare
Lanfeust Quest Vol.3 (2009) 3 Exemplare
De schittering van het duister (2023) 2 Exemplare
Simbad (2011) 2 Exemplare
En, to, Troy (2008) 2 Exemplare
Den himmelske salve (1994) 1 Exemplar
Lanfeust queeste 1 Exemplar
De poorten van chaos (2010) 1 Exemplar
De blodrøde koraller (1996) 1 Exemplar
Chaud beffroi (1997) 1 Exemplar
Cixi de Troy - Intégrale (2014) 1 Exemplar
Trolls de Troy (2005) 1 Exemplar
Adieu ma joliette (1998) 1 Exemplar
Elves Vol. 20 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Asterix und seine Freunde: Hommage an Albert Uderzo (2007)einige Ausgaben; einige Ausgaben88 Exemplare
Trolls de Troy, Tome 21 : L'Or des Trolls (2016) — Créateur — 16 Exemplare



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Arleston, Christophe
Rechtmäßiger Name
Pelinq, Christophe
Andere Namen
Arleston, Scotch



I En, to … Troy blev det afsløret, at de magiske væsener på planeten Troy var resultatet af et bevidst eksperiment igangsat af handelsfyrsterne på Meirrion. Vores helt Zanfyst, hans følgesvend Hebus, hans kæreste Cixi og hans gamle rival Thanos blev hentet tilbage til hovedkvarteret, hvor prins Dhellu har store planer med dem.

I første omgang bliver hele gruppen installeret i fyrstens palads, hvor de til en banket møder de andre handelsfyrster, som kommer fra mange forskellige planeter og racer. De har dog alle en udbredt dekadence til fælles, dvs. en fornemmelse af, at verden tilhører dem, og at det er både forventeligt og rimeligt, at andre væsener bruges som brikker i rænkespillet mellem dem eller som banal underholdning.

Det ligger ikke til Zanfyst og hans venner at afvente tingenes gang. I første omgang sniger de sig ud for at se nærmere på omgivelserne, og det viser sig selvfølgelig, at paladsets luksus har sit modsvar i snuskede gyder og barer, hvor rummets lykkeriddere mødes til druk og fest. Mens Cixi giver den gas på dansegulvet i et absolut minimalistisk outfit dukker nogle barske typer op for at for kidnappe dem alle sammen, men det resulterer ikke i meget andet end et ordentligt slagsmål og en nat i detentionen.

Dagen efter vil Dhellu sætte dem på en prøve for at teste deres evner. De bliver fløjet til en nærliggende måne, hvor hele det civiliserede univers kan følge med i deres moderne gladiatorkampe. Det er alvor, men igen er der andre kræfter på spil, som vil bruge Zanfyst og hans ledsagere til deres egne formål.

Illustrationerne er stadig fine, men jeg historien fangede mig ikke så meget som første bind. Der introduceres så mange nye elementer og fortælletempoet er så højt, at jeg mest sad tilbage med en følelse af forvirring, da det hele var ovre.
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Henrik_Madsen | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2022 |
Forfatterne har lavet flere albumserier med Zanfyst, en usædvanligt smuk ungersvend med magiske evner. Den første, som jeg ikke har læst, foregår alene på planeten Troy, men her bliver perspektivet udvidet. Det viser sig nemlig, at Troy flere tusind år tidligere er blevet koloniseret af individer med paranormale evner. Planen var, at en stærk magisk kraft ville udvikle sig med tiden – og det er så det, der er sket.

En sonde udsender et signal om, at der er to individer med usædvanlige evner på planeten. Budskabet viderestilles til handelsfyrsternes planet Merrion, hvor den unge agent Glace påtager sig at samle dem ind. Hun er en foretagsom type, der hurtigt finder frem til Zanfyst. Han er på eventyr med trolden Hebus, der optræder som hans trofaste følgesvend. Den anden person med magiske evner er Zanfysts gamle rival Thanos, der sidder fængslet hjemme i Eckmyl. Her befinder Zanfysts kæreste Cixi sig også. Hun er usædvanligt smuk men også usædvanligt jaloux, så det huer hende ikke, at han skal drage alene afsted mod stjernerne med Glace.

Af sted kommer de under alle omstændigheder, men der er også andre end handelsfyrsterne, der er interesserede i transporten. Under en hidsig jagt gennem rummet bliver skibet skudt ned, så de må nødlande på en gammel landbrugsstation. Her står en gruppe flodhestelignende væsener kaldet blongoer for dyrkningen. De er fredelige nok, men for at få sendt et nødsignal til Merrion skal de gennem ødemarken, hvor evolutionen har frembragt nogle knap så behagelige væsener…

Tarquins tegninger er farvemættede og flotte med en god blanding af velkendte elementer tilsat fantasifulde rumfartøjer og sjove væsener. Det fungerer vældig godt til en fortælling, der blander elementer fra fantasy og klassiske rumhistorier som Linda og Valentin.

Et, to … Troy var et fornøjeligt bekendtskab. Historien afvikles i et højt tempo, og selvom der sker virkeligt meget på de 56 sider, så virker det ikke på noget tidspunkt forceret eller forvirrende. Det bliver spændende at se, hvad der sker i næste bind.
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Henrik_Madsen | Feb 15, 2022 |
While I understand the popularity of the "héroic fantasy" genre of franco-belgian bande-dessinée and can appreciate its importance, Lanfeust is a little more (less?) than I can handle. The rampant sexism combined with the flimsy storyline (and the early death of my favorite character) create a book that I could have lived my entire life without reading. Yes, magic powers and alternate universes are pretty cool. They're also no longer original or groundbreaking; in fact, they've become a bit trite. Though this series is remarkably popular (no doubt due to the young male fantasy crowd), it is evident in the first book that its popularity is very loosely, if at all, correlated with its literary or artistic value.… (mehr)
ctanons | Jan 26, 2021 |
Christophe Arleston is first and foremost known for his comic book series Lanfeust. He's written more than that, of course, but not any novels. Except for [b:Le Souper des maléfices|33387156|Le Souper des maléfices|Christophe Arleston||53429282], which came out first in 2015, but was reworked and re-released via Éditions ActuSF (in the Bad Wolf collection) in 2016.

The basis of the story is, as far as I know, quite original: food manipulation and the impact on the economy, society, etc. Or, a reflection on today's society, where companies like Monsanto tamper with pesticides, grains and what not, so they can reap great profits, while farmers suffer the consequences. Not to mention the soil getting exhausted. Not to mention the reducing of the nutritional value of certain foodstuffs.

The various characters are well distinguished: Ib Morkedaï (the 'dynarque', for which no English translation exists, but he's the ruler of Slarance), Zéphyrelle (the last of Morkedaï's inspectors, who rises in rank very rapidly), Duke Plucharmoy, Fanalpe (a master chef, working for Plucharmoy), Fiollullia (so-called niece of Morkedaï, with a vicious temper and whom Fanalpe has a crush on), Ploutre (her assistant-maiden, who seems to have her own agenda), and more.

Practically every inspector (police spy, if that term fits better) has been killed off in the investigation of the increased consumption of beer, the highly reduced quality of wheat for bread and alike, etc. Ib Morkedaï has no choice but to send the youngest of the pack, Zéphyrelle, out to investigate what is really going on. She's free to do it her own way, but has to report back on a regular basis.

And that's what partly bothered me: Zéphyrelle uses many disguises, can transform from being a student to being an old lady, and so on, on a very short notice. I know it's a fantasy story and the primal goal is to entertain, but how she manages to change clothes and accessories almost on the fly, without a real hiding place and no one nothing anything weird about her outfit, is a riddle to me. Later on in the story, when she suspects Fanalpe of having to have a hand in the food crime, she seems to be a very good cook, too. There was no previous mention of any of her skills. That's a bit of a problem to me, the sudden mention of skills and possible weaknesses, and always at the time of action.

She sets to work and manages to trace the ship that brings the tampered wheat to the harbour and which company is responsible for the sale. Zéphyrelle also manages to get on board and travel back to where the manipulated foodstuff comes from, all without disclosing her identity, but collecting enough information to report back to the dynarque (Ib Morkedaï). Meanwhile, someone wants to take him out, to disrupt the investigation.

Fanalpe meanwhile tries his best to come up with new recipes and combinations. Not in the least to seduce Fiollullia, who seems not to care for the love of men. Ploutre, on the other hand, gladly throws herself onto men, by contrast. He, Fanalpe, has learned there's an ancient cookbook by a famed master chef, but it's safely locked away in the library of the dynarque. He convinces the librarian, who's fallen asleep over his books, in the middle of the night, to give him the key. Fanalpe wants to create a magical dish that will enchant Fiollullia and make her fall in love with him.

However, he can't do it directly, so he convinces the duke (a big, fat, chubby and cunning man) to invite her for dinner. To prepare the dish - he had originally planed an entire menu, but due to time constraints, it became supper -, Fanalpe needs specific ingredients and spices for the magic to work, and under specific conditions... for which there's even some time-travelling involved, which can have serious consequences when not follow-up correctly.

As you can imagine, not all goes according to plan. And the outcome of his efforts is even one I didn't expect. It's not only about food manipulation, but also about manipulating people.

Since Fanalpe's dream is not coming true, it ends terribly for him. He gets accused of murder. He has to stand trial in court, but remains humble and as honest as he can be, so as not to aggravate his case. It's only thanks to the intervention of Ib Morkedaï that the true story is told: Who's behind the company that tampered with the wheat? Who's behind the murder of the duke and Fiollulia? Who had an interest in all this and why? Ploutre came into a picture now and then throughout the story, but played a minor role compared to the others. It seems financial problems played a role in her choosing an evil way to not get poor, but also acquire more and more riches.

It wouldn't be a good story if there was no happy ending. All's well that ends well. The people of Slarance were given the order to not consume any beer any more until further notice. The company that traded in the tampered wheat - Ploutre had contact and richly rewarded an alchemist to do the tampering - had brought back loads of proper and nutritious wheat, thanks to Zéphyrelle's intervention as a rich lady asking the captain to go get it as compensation for treating her brother (another of Zéphyrelle's disguises) well. The city's treasury was apparently more than full, thanks to good management, to restore the economy and public health.

This all in all entertaining (also because of the pinches of humour) story - which has its flaws, I have to add (not everything is solved; there are some holes in the story) - is indirectly a complaint against food tampering (and at the same time a declaration of love for food, as master chef Fanalpe proves), against the Monsantos of the world, against the lobbying of multinational companies who only seek high profits. It's also a crime story, with a lot of suspense, but also room for love (as the title suggests, something along the lines of 'The Enchanted Supper').

As it's a story about food, Mr. Arleston threw in many terms of ingredients and dishes. The writing itself was of not always that easy to understand (if you're not a native French speaker, for example), meaning you need a more than average knowledge of the French language.
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TechThing | Jan 22, 2021 |


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