
Grant Naylor

Autor von Roter Zwerg: Roman

7 Werke 4,410 Mitglieder 47 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 5 Lesern

Über den Autor

Hinweis zur Begriffsklärung:

(eng) Grant Naylor is a collective author name used by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor for the books they wrote together (and should not be combined with either individual author).
The later book of scripts Son of Soup was compiled and annotated by Rob Grant who is credited as the author with Doug Naylor as other author. John Nazzaro wrote The Making of Red Dwarf.
As Grant Naylor is a gestalt entity, it should have no definitive gender.

Bildnachweis: Rob Grant and Doug Naylor recording DVD commentaries


Werke von Grant Naylor

Roter Zwerg: Roman (1989) — Autor — 2,033 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
Better Than Life (1990) — Autor — 1,408 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Red Dwarf Omnibus (1992) 599 Exemplare, 6 Rezensionen
Red Dwarf: Primordial Soup (1993) 191 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Red Dwarf (1989) 172 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen
Červený Trpaslík (2020) 1 Exemplar



Land (für Karte)
England, UK
Grant, Rob (co-creator)
Naylor, Doug (co-creator)
Hinweis zur Identitätsklärung
Grant Naylor is a collective author name used by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor for the books they wrote together (and should not be combined with either individual author).
The later book of scripts Son of Soup was compiled and annotated by Rob Grant who is credited as the author with Doug Naylor as other author. John Nazzaro wrote The Making of Red Dwarf.
As Grant Naylor is a gestalt entity, it should have no definitive gender.



I first saw this show on a VHS copy of a VHS recording of, probably, a PBS broadcast; this would have been when I was in 8th or 9th grade, maybe 199...1? 2?

A week ago I saw this book, having popped into a used bookstore that was having a big clearance sale. It's as silly, campy, and purely entertaining as I remember it. For me, 4 stars for the walk down memory lane, alone.
dcunning11235 | 23 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 12, 2023 |
Just about as good as this genre (humorous sci-fi) can get. Not quite as poignant as Douglas Adams at his best, so not quite five stars. Read it on your holiday or on your commute.
robfwalter | 23 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2023 |
Mixed response to this one - sometimes I'd think the humor was pretty juvenile, but then I'd come across a gem like this one:

“The GAS (Genetic Alternative Sports) … Sports fans were no longer interested in seeing a conventional boxing match, when they could witness two genetically engineered pugilists — who were created with their brains in their shorts, and all their other major organs crammed into their legs and feet, leaving their heads solid blocks of unthinking muscle — knock hell out of one another for hours on end in a way that normal boxers could only manage for minutes.” Red Dwarf Omnibus (Better than Life) p490… (mehr)
ptittle | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2023 |
This book had some really laugh-out-loud funny bits along with a lot of somewhat boring story and fairly immature humor. It was along the lines of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, but not as good, in my opinion. I think you have to like British humor to like either one.

There's a lot of joking around about time travel, death, etc. One of the main characters actually died near the beginning, but he lived on as a hologram simulation. At one point, he made a copy of himself because nobody liked him, and of course, he and his copy didn't get along either.

It was a fun read, but I started getting tired of it after the first couple of chapters.
… (mehr)
MartyFried | 23 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 9, 2022 |


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