
P. C. Hodgell

Autor von God Stalk

26+ Werke 3,257 Mitglieder 115 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 27 Lesern

Über den Autor

Bildnachweis: copyright David Lenander


Werke von P. C. Hodgell

God Stalk (1982) 722 Exemplare, 25 Rezensionen
Dark of the Moon (1985) 407 Exemplare, 13 Rezensionen
Seeker's Mask (1994) 365 Exemplare, 9 Rezensionen
To Ride A Rathorn (2006) 272 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
The God Stalker Chronicles (2009) 225 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen
Dark Of The Gods (1997) 213 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Bound in Blood (2010) 200 Exemplare, 13 Rezensionen
Blood and Ivory: A Tapestry (1994) 192 Exemplare, 8 Rezensionen
Honor's Paradox (2011) 158 Exemplare, 7 Rezensionen
Seeker's Bane (2009) 120 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Sea of Time (2014) 111 Exemplare, 6 Rezensionen
The Gates of Tagmeth (2017) 81 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
By Demons Possessed (2019) 71 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Deathless Gods (2022) 42 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Bones (1993) 17 Exemplare
Child of Darkness (1993) 16 Exemplare
Stranger Blood (1985) 7 Exemplare
Free Stories 2019 5 Exemplare
The Talisman's Trinket (2011) 3 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Songs of Waste and Wood (2014) 2 Exemplare
Waiting for the Talisman (2019) 1 Exemplar
God Stalk: 2 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Imaginary Lands (1985) — Mitwirkender — 362 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Elsewhere, Vol. III (1984) — Mitwirkender — 92 Exemplare
Chicks and Balances (2015) — Mitwirkender — 74 Exemplare
The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (1998) — Mitwirkender — 66 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Clarion SF (1977) — Mitwirkender — 50 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2 (1980) — Autor — 27 Exemplare
Free Short Stories 2011 (2011) — Mitwirkender — 23 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Common Threads (1995) — Vorwort — 19 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Free Short Stories 2014 (2014) — Mitwirkender — 10 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Last Dangerous Visions (2024) — Mitwirkender — 9 Exemplare





The [God Stalk] Group Read: January in 75 Books Challenge for 2018 (Februar 2018)


I forget where I first came across mention of Hodgell’s Chronicles of the Kencyrath, but it resulted in me buying an omnibus of the first two books of the, to date, ten-book series. I read the first book, God Stalk, and it wasn’t bad. Very much a secondary world fantasy in the vein of assorted LotR rip-offs or popular fantasy role-playing games. But it had likeable characters and hinted at an interesting back-history.

A few years later, I read the second book. If the first had riffed off Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, the second threw in references to some of the more off-the-wall Conan stories and hinted at yet further world history weirdness than had so far been mentioned. True, this is heartland stuff, so much so it could be a RPG campaign supplement, but it’s all just a little bit sideways to the template. In fact, now I think about it, it's sort of like the Wheel of Time - it has all the neat clues to a deep, possibly science-fictional, back-history, it follows the form of the sub-genre in terms of lands and races and characters, but with several changes… But it is definitely not Wheel of Time: it’s competently write for a start, isn’t padded out to shit, doesn’t feature spanking or gratuitous mentions of women’s breasts, or have characters that behave like dim-witted teenagers from smalltown, USA. If you liked Jordan’s flatulent opus, the Chronicles of Kencyrath will blow you away. Um, perhaps a bad choice of words, but you know what I mean.

And so to Blood & Ivory, a collection of short stories which is undoubtedly for fans. I picked up the Meisha Merlin 2002 edition - from Norcon 30 in Oslo, for much cheapness - which includes useful maps and not so useful artwork by Hodgell herself. The stories are a mixed bag. Some were folded into the first two novels, others give useful background on minor characters. A very early story, if not the first, featuring the major characters is interesting, in as much as it reads a sf/fantasy hybrid and nothing like the actual chronicles. Although there’s a hint of it in the novels, the stories here are much more Goth than I expected. There’s also a supernatural Holmes story, which isn’t bad but doesn’t really need to be a Holmes story.

I recommend the series, and I say that as someone who isn’t a fan of epic secondary world fantasy. Unlike the execrable Wheel of Time, Hodgell’s Chronicles of the Kencyrath are not a chore to read and there are Easter eggs, intentional or not I’ve no idea, for a reader well-read in the genre. For a fan, Blood & Ivory is almost essential; for a casual reader, probably not.
… (mehr)
iansales | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 5, 2024 |
Adored absolutely everything about this book. Main character Jame is amazing, and the side characters are great as well. Hodgell's world building is beautiful, just everything about this book is perfect. I have the next three books in the series and am excited to start them. If there was a single criticism I have for this book, it's that I wanted more content of Cleppetty and Gorgo, but otherwise there's nothing TO criticize.
sam.ms384 | 24 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 8, 2024 |
Jame goes on bruising egos and showing competence in corners while bringing down the walls. Were I a power hungry ruler I'd avoid the Knorth like the plague.
1 abstimmen
quondame | Jan 7, 2023 |
Clearly a middle book. Story line didn't advance much. It was hard enough to remember all that went before to make sense of what happened here
smbass | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |



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