P. C. Hodgell
Autor von God Stalk
Über den Autor
Bildnachweis: copyright David Lenander
Werke von P. C. Hodgell
Free Stories 2019 5 Exemplare
A Ballad of the White Plague 4 Exemplare
A Ballad of the White Plague : The Casebook 1 Exemplar
God Stalk: 2 1 Exemplar
Zugehörige Werke
- Gebräuchlichste Namensform
- Hodgell, P. C.
- Rechtmäßiger Name
- Hodgell, Patricia Christine
- Andere Namen
- Hodgell, Pat C.
- Geburtstag
- 1951-03-16
- Geschlecht
- female
- Nationalität
- Geburtsort
- Des Moines, Iowa, USA
- Wohnorte
- Des Moines, Iowa, USA (birth)
- Ausbildung
- University of Minnesota (MA, English Literature)
University of Minnesota (PhD) - Beziehungen
- Hodgell, Robert O. (father)
The [God Stalk] Group Read: January in 75 Books Challenge for 2018 (Februar 2018)
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Nahestehende Autoren
- Werke
- 26
- Auch von
- 10
- Mitglieder
- 3,257
- Beliebtheit
- #7,854
- Bewertung
- 4.0
- Rezensionen
- 115
- 70
- Favoriten
- 27
A few years later, I read the second book. If the first had riffed off Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, the second threw in references to some of the more off-the-wall Conan stories and hinted at yet further world history weirdness than had so far been mentioned. True, this is heartland stuff, so much so it could be a RPG campaign supplement, but it’s all just a little bit sideways to the template. In fact, now I think about it, it's sort of like the Wheel of Time - it has all the neat clues to a deep, possibly science-fictional, back-history, it follows the form of the sub-genre in terms of lands and races and characters, but with several changes… But it is definitely not Wheel of Time: it’s competently write for a start, isn’t padded out to shit, doesn’t feature spanking or gratuitous mentions of women’s breasts, or have characters that behave like dim-witted teenagers from smalltown, USA. If you liked Jordan’s flatulent opus, the Chronicles of Kencyrath will blow you away. Um, perhaps a bad choice of words, but you know what I mean.
And so to Blood & Ivory, a collection of short stories which is undoubtedly for fans. I picked up the Meisha Merlin 2002 edition - from Norcon 30 in Oslo, for much cheapness - which includes useful maps and not so useful artwork by Hodgell herself. The stories are a mixed bag. Some were folded into the first two novels, others give useful background on minor characters. A very early story, if not the first, featuring the major characters is interesting, in as much as it reads a sf/fantasy hybrid and nothing like the actual chronicles. Although there’s a hint of it in the novels, the stories here are much more Goth than I expected. There’s also a supernatural Holmes story, which isn’t bad but doesn’t really need to be a Holmes story.
I recommend the series, and I say that as someone who isn’t a fan of epic secondary world fantasy. Unlike the execrable Wheel of Time, Hodgell’s Chronicles of the Kencyrath are not a chore to read and there are Easter eggs, intentional or not I’ve no idea, for a reader well-read in the genre. For a fan, Blood & Ivory is almost essential; for a casual reader, probably not.… (mehr)