
Zedong Mao (1893–1976)

Autor von Worte des Vorsitzenden Mao Tsetung

458+ Werke 5,101 Mitglieder 62 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 4 Lesern

Über den Autor

Mao Tse-tung is, of course, best known as a political leader, having held power in the People's Republic from its founding in 1949 until his death, as president until 1959 and then as chairman of the Communist party. He undertook some of the most radical social experiments in human history, and mehr anzeigen although he has been dead for many years, he still casts a long shadow over current events in Asia, and his legacy is still hotly debated. Born into a prosperous peasant family in Hunan Province, Mao first came into contact with revolutionary writings during the decade of the 1910s. He was present at the founding of the Communist party in 1921 and had already risen to prominence by 1935. It was after the heroic Long March, while the Communists were consolidating their power in their northwest base in Yenan, that Mao Tse-tung held his Forum on Literature and Art, which, as Howard L. Boorman has said, "drew a firm line across the page of modern Chinese creative writing and promulgated what has since become, with some later variations, the "correct' analysis of the literary and aesthetic principles designed to guide the "progressive' writers and artists of China." Essentially, it was to be a literature shaped by "Party spirit," designed for the masses (particularly workers, peasants, and soldiers), and written in a bold, simple, and earthy style. There would be no toleration of "art for art's sake," or subjective inspiration, or other bourgeois themes or tendencies. Literature's sole aim would be to serve politics. One can find many examples of the approved content and style in Mao's own writings. His speeches and essays are strongly colored by his rural roots; one finds an earthy humor and terseness of expression that are reminiscent of many traditional works in the colloquial language. Mao's poetry is a bit more complicated. Having been educated to some extent in the classical tradition, he has always favored the tz'u form for his own verse. And, although he does conform to the time-honored metrical rules, in many ways his poems mark a break with the past in their strong egotism, preference for the present over the past, and desire to conquer nature rather than to live in passive harmony with it. However, his sentimentality and use of imagery still confirm his strong identification with the lyric past, and even many Chinese who disagree with his politics can nevertheless find pleasure in his verses. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: from Wikipedia


Werke von Zedong Mao

Worte des Vorsitzenden Mao Tsetung (1968) — Autor — 1,725 Exemplare
Mao Tsetung Poems (1972) 199 Exemplare
On Practice and Contradiction (2007) 180 Exemplare
Vier philosophische Monographien (1966) 138 Exemplare
Five Essays on Philosophy (1971) 58 Exemplare
On Contradiction (1953) 51 Exemplare
Chairman Mao Talks to the People: Talk and Letters: 1956 - 1971 (1974) — Autor; Autor — 43 Exemplare
On new democracy (1954) 40 Exemplare
Six Essays on Military Affairs (1968) 29 Exemplare
On Protracted War (1938) 25 Exemplare
Combat liberalism 21 Exemplare
On Practice (1965) 19 Exemplare
Skrifter i urval (1975) 19 Exemplare
A Critique of Soviet Economics (1977) 17 Exemplare
Report from Xunwu (1990) 12 Exemplare
Gegen die Buchgläubigkeit (1966) 12 Exemplare
Selected Works of Mao Zedong (2014) 12 Exemplare
MAO papers; (1970) 12 Exemplare
Politiska skrifter 11 Exemplare
Militärpolitiska skrifter (1977) 10 Exemplare
On the ten major relationships (1977) 10 Exemplare
Problems of Art and Literature (1950) 9 Exemplare
37 Gedichte 8 Exemplare
The wisdom of Mao Tse-tung (1968) 7 Exemplare
Mao Zedong on Diplomacy (1998) 7 Exemplare
Serve the People (1967) 6 Exemplare
Five Golden Rays (2017) 6 Exemplare
Basic tactics (1966) 6 Exemplare
La costruzione del socialismo (1975) 5 Exemplare
Mao omgecorrigeerd (1976) 5 Exemplare
Reverberations: Complete Poems (1980) 5 Exemplare
Ecrits militaires (1964) 5 Exemplare
Discorsi inediti 4 Exemplare
Mao Tse-Tung (1975) 4 Exemplare
Militærskrifter i utvalg (1978) 4 Exemplare
39 Gedichte (1988) 3 Exemplare
The Fight for a New China (1945) 3 Exemplare
36 fiori di carta (1998) 3 Exemplare
Critique of Soviet Economy (2011) 3 Exemplare
Poesia completa (1976) 3 Exemplare
Obras, Tomo I 2 Exemplare
Mi vida (2001) 2 Exemplare
Gedichte (2013) 2 Exemplare
Organiziĝu! 2 Exemplare
Mao Zedong zhen yan (2009) 2 Exemplare
Confidenze 2 Exemplare
Sulla letteratura e l'arte (1967) 2 Exemplare
Udvalgte værker - Bind 4 (1978) 2 Exemplare
Om arbetsmetoder 2 Exemplare
Scritti filosofici 2 Exemplare
Folkets Kina 1 Exemplar
Obras 1 Exemplar
Gedichten (1972) 1 Exemplar
The Wisdom of Mao (2010) 1 Exemplar
Tesis filosóficas 1 Exemplar
I centofiori 1 Exemplar
Fünf Schriften 1 Exemplar
Mao Zedong 1 Exemplar
Skrifter i urval 1 Exemplar
Pri Taktiko 1 Exemplar
Pri Popola Milito 1 Exemplar
Mao Zedong xuan ji (1991) 1 Exemplar
Chinese Literture 1 Exemplar
Testi in cinese 1 Exemplar
Scritti scelti. 2 1 Exemplar
"Scritti militari" 1 Exemplar
Mao Zedongi tarkuseraamat (2003) 1 Exemplar
Mao Tsetungs dikt (1972) 1 Exemplar
Opere scelte 1 Exemplar
Über die Praxis 1 Exemplar
Mao Tse-Tung 1 Exemplar
Om 2 verdenskrig 1 Exemplar
Obras Completas 1 Exemplar
The rise of comunist China (1979) 1 Exemplar
Guerrilla (1978) 1 Exemplar
Vento de Leste 1 Exemplar
Revolucion china * (1976) 1 Exemplar
Den Lange March 1 Exemplar
Run for Cover 1 Exemplar
Mao Zedong shou shu xuan ji (1993) 1 Exemplar
Mao Tse-tung 37 Gedichte (1974) 1 Exemplar
Scritti militari 1 Exemplar
Gedichte 1 Exemplar
Le poesie 1 Exemplar
Kala Aur Sahitya 1 Exemplar
Sulla politica 1 Exemplar
I pensieri di Mao (2005) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Mitwirkender — 451 Exemplare
Zhou Enlai: The Last Perfect Revolutionary (2003) — Associated Name — 123 Exemplare
The Essential Left (1960) — Mitwirkender — 72 Exemplare
The Range of Philosophy: Introductory Readings (1964) — Mitwirkender — 54 Exemplare
Mao Tse-tung: Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (1968) — Associated Name — 18 Exemplare
Red: China's Cultural Revolution (2010) — Mitwirkender — 7 Exemplare
Mao Tse-tung and Lin Piao : post-revolutionary writings (1972)einige Ausgaben6 Exemplare





Mao Tse-tung in Legacy Libraries (September 2013)


In un momento di crisi a proposito delle mie contraddizioni, me lo fece leggere una persona a me estremamente cara, allora mio compagno, tuttora molto vicino.
Ebbe un effetto, direi, tonificante.
Copre un arco di tempo molto ampio, arrivando fino agli ultimi momenti di lucidità. Notevole il fatto che della riabilitazione di Deng Xiao Ping non si parli, anzi, venga individuato come nemico del popolo in quanto determinato a ristabilire il liberalismo. Poi venitemi a dire che Mao non ci vedeva lungo.
Rimando un commento articolato a quando riuscirò a mettere le mani su una copia tutta mia. Per quanto vicini spiritualmente, io e il legittimo possessore con la sua copia siamo separati da svariati paesi europei e bracci di mare.
… (mehr)
Elanna76 | May 2, 2024 |
Mao Tsetung (1893-1976) lideró con el Partido Comunista de China la primera revolución democrática-popular dirigida por el proletariado que triunfó en un país semicolonial y que emprendió posteriormente la construcción de una sociedad socialista. Mao integró el marxismo a la realidad particular y a la práctica concreta de la revolución en China, y a la luz de esta experiencia desarrolló la teoría marxista-leninista realizando aportes fundamentales tanto en aspectos filosóficos como en relación a los problemas planteados por la continuidad de la lucha de clases bajo el socialismo. Este volumen ofrece una selección de sus textos escritos entre marzo de 1926 y mayo de 1963, en los cuales aborda temas como la necesidad de la existencia del partido revolucionario, las cuestiones de su vida interna y de su imprescindible ligazón con las masas populares, de la actitud hacia el campesinado, de la política de frente único (en particular durante el período de resistencia contra la ocupación japonesa), de la guerra popular, y de la cooperativización agrícola en los inicios de la construcción socialista. Se incluyen también ensayos sobre la teoría del conocimiento –como sus célebres tesis filosóficas “Sobre la práctica” y “Sobre la contradicción”– y acerca del papel de los intelectuales y de las consignas “Que se abran cien flores”, para estimular la práctica artística, y “Que compitan cien escuelas”, para impulsar el desarrollo científico, además de sus intervenciones en el Foro de Yenán sobre Arte y Literatura.… (mehr)
BibliotecaGramsci | Jan 16, 2024 |
Banalizado como o "livrinho vermelho" e cognominado a "bíblia de Mao", trata-se de uma coleção de solta s citações de Mao Tsé-Tung. Tais ditados, lemas e injunções jamais são muito inteligentes ou sequer inspiradores; em sua maioria, são superficiais e mesquinhos. Definitivamente não é literatura mundial de alto coturno, mas não é desinteressante ler falas populares com as quais um ditador e assassino serial soube emocionar a sua nação e seguidores ao redor do planeta.
jgcorrea | 25 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2023 |
I have read reviews of Mao's writing that say he was no intellectual. I am in no position to pass judgement: however, this book makes clearer, to me, the meaning of dialectical materialism than many other publications.

It may be that Mao isn't as knowledgeable as he thought, or it could equally be that he was amongst the best at explaining the concepts of Marxism in understandable terms. I can see why some people may dislike this ability: the more complex the explanation, the more exclusive the club of initiates.

I enjoyed this book.
… (mehr)
the.ken.petersen | 1 weitere Rezension | May 7, 2023 |



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