
Christine Nolfi

Autor von The Passing Storm: A Novel

18+ Werke 483 Mitglieder 76 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet die Namen: Christine Nolfi, Ms Christine Nolfi


Werke von Christine Nolfi

Zugehörige Werke






Review of Second Chance Grill by Christine Nolfi in What Are You Reading Now? (Februar 2013)


Nova owns her on landscaping business. She also is a foster mom. She has only fostered teenagers. So, when she is asked to take two young siblings in for an emergency placing, she hedges a little bit. She has never fostered young kids.

Henry is the older of the two at 9 years old. When he shows up at Nova’s, he is a tough, combative little boy. His little sister, Bella, is just as sweet as she can be but so timid. Nova knows she has her work cut out for her.

Nova is a character I adored. She is exactly what these two abused children need, a loving heart and home. Nova begins to crack each child’s shell with her patience. And soon Nova loses her heart as well. She knows she is not supposed to get close to these children. She knows she is going to lose them.

This story takes you through all the emotions. Egan, the children’s father, has my anger up in a snap. And the way he manipulates his children…I wanted to come through these pages. Then there is a secret about Nova no one knew…but it comes out. And it just takes her on an emotional roller coaster.

Need a heartfelt story which will have you hugging everyone in your family…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the author for a honest review.
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fredreeca | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 18, 2024 |
I really loved this story and Nova's character. This was a really heartfelt novel about two children caught up in the foster system and how confusing this situation can be for them. Nova has just landed a huge landscaping job that could put her company in the forefront for other jobs, and give her more of a name. But just as this job is supposed to kick off, she gets a very desperate call from her good friend and a case worker, there is an emergency and two smaller children need a place to stay. Nova is torn, she usually only takes in teenagers and she really needs to focus on this job, this is what will cement her future, but she knows she cannot say no. With the help of her mother and Imani she prepares all that is needed and takes in Bella and Henry, it should not be a long stay and this will be just temporary. But this case is unlike others before and Nova is in deeper than she wanted to get with these two kids, but when the truth about their father and fear for her and their lives is front and center, Nova has to decide what she wants her future to look like and what she must do to protect these kids. This was a very fast read and I was rooting for Nova the whole time. Thank you to the author for the complementary novel and to Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite. This review is of my own opinion and accord.… (mehr)
Chelz286 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 28, 2024 |

Award-winning and best-selling author Christine Nolfi is releasing another thought-provoking, well-written novel that will leave you pondering the story long after you have read the final word. Nolfi knows how to create believable characters because they live everyday lives. She inserts them into realistic situations and lets readers see whether they react or respond to the trials she plots for them to face.

In A Heart Like Home, Nolfi takes on the subject of foster parenting and foster children. Fostering is a subject that can be difficult to discuss because readers know of success stories and also know of some severe failures as well. Nolfi handles this subject beautifully by having her main character, Nova, in foster care herself before she was successfully adopted. When Nova decides to foster, she has a much different perspective on how to handle the two foster children in her care. As Nova delves into the children’s family life, they discover what a nightmare they have lived through. She decides to do her part to make these two children’s lives as stable as possible by showing them love, patience, understanding, grace, encouragement, and discipline, all you find in a real family. Nova wants the children to feel secure despite all the things that have gone on and are continuing to go on. Nolfi also adds a major mystery twist to her plot that adds a deeper dimension to her story and guarantees to keep your attention to the very end!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and without influence.
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lisaghudson | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2024 |

Happy Pub Day!

Children learn what they live and Henry and Bella are not getting the education any child deserves. Abusive father who only cares about and for himself. A caring neighbor who does the right thing. A loving foster parent who knows the system too well. Can this lead to a happy ending?

I’ve been reading Christine Nolfi’s books for a while and have seen her writing evolve. This look into the foster and adoption system will restore your faith in people. Nolfi shows how a bad situation can be turned around with the right amount of love, patience and discipline, which isn’t always the case. Characters are engaging, and seem to come to life, but are too closely tied together, making things a little too convenient. Henry is a tough nut to crack, growing up much too soon with no positive role model. Bella is all things girly, so needing love. Some situations are heartbreaking and disturbing, but are more implied than written. They will definitely tug at your heartstrings and bring a few tears to your eyes. This book brings closure that so many adoptees seek. As an adoptive aunt, I’ve seen the system work to the benefit of both the child and adoptive parents. It was nice to see a positive spin on this story. This is a story that Nolfi was born to write. Sometimes you just need a book that makes you feel, but there are also many moments that will make you smile.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.
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LoriKBoyd | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2024 |


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