
Tom De Haven

Autor von It's Superman!

22+ Werke 1,567 Mitglieder 29 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern

Über den Autor

Tom De Haven is the author of several novels, including Derby Dugan's Depression Funnies (winner of the 1997 American Book Award) and Funny Papers. A frequent contributor to Entertainment Weekly and The New York Times, he also teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University and is a licensed private mehr anzeigen investigator. He lives in Midlothian, Va. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen

Beinhaltet die Namen: Tom De Haven, Dehaven; Tom, Haven (de) Tom


Werke von Tom De Haven

It's Superman! (2005) 515 Exemplare, 17 Rezensionen
Walker of Worlds (1990) 195 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Derby Dugan's Depression Funnies (1996) 125 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Neuromancer (1989) — Adapter — 106 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Funny Papers (1985) 76 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Richmond Noir (2010) — Herausgeber; Mitwirkender — 55 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Freak's Amour (1979) 52 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Dugan Under Ground (2001) 46 Exemplare
Yesterday's Tomorrows (2008) — Writer — 43 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Our Hero: Superman on Earth (2010) 29 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Green Candles (1997) — Author, Script Writer — 26 Exemplare
U.S.S.A., Book 1 (1987) 13 Exemplare
Green Candles: Volume 3 (1995) 11 Exemplare
Green Candles: Volume 1 (1995) 11 Exemplare
Green Candles: Volume 2 (1995) 11 Exemplare
The Orphan's Tent (1996) 9 Exemplare
Joe Gosh (Millennium Book) (1988) 9 Exemplare
Jersey Luck (1980) 3 Exemplare
Suits 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Raw Vol. 2, No. 1: Open Wounds from the Cutting Edge of Commix (1989) — Mitwirkender — 197 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
The Ultimate Spider-Man (1994) — Mitwirkender — 90 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Mister Negativity: and Other Tales of Supernatural Law (2004) — Einführung — 21 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Snake Eyes #1 (1990) — Mitwirkender — 16 Exemplare



Midlothian, Virginia



This book looked appealing, because it promised a literary and intelligent look at a cultural icon, and that sort of thing has always appealed to me. It was literary, and literate. It's a well-written book. And it was intelligent. And it didn't insult the intelligence of the reader.

What it wasn't was very interesting. I feel like this was a huge opportunity for something as dynamic as the title character, yet De Haven seemed intent on avoiding the big scenes and the big themes that could well have suited this subject. Everything he writes is interesting and very well researched, insofar as authenticity to its time, it seems to me. But if you're going to write a book about Superman and how he got to be who he is, I would hope you wouldn't save all your extraordinary action and conflict until the final quarter. I enjoyed reading along, but kept thinking, "When's it going to start?" Right after it finally did start, it stopped.

A serious novel on Superman, as well-written as this one is, should leave the reader deeply moved, intensely affected in some way. This one left me remembering how I'd cried over the death of Superman story back in one of the 1960s comic books, and wondering why I felt so much more moved then.
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jumblejim | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 26, 2023 |
Extremely well written and fascinating "what if" look at the origins of Superman. Very reminiscent of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, while still keeping its uniqueness. The strength of the book were not the characters you already knew -- Clark, Lois, or Lex -- but the cast of original characters that fleshed out not only the story but the entire universe. This is the Silver Age Superman re-conceptualized for the real world (killer robots notwithstanding).
wisemetis | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 15, 2023 |
Sometimes, when I'm writing these 'reviews', I feel like I shd just give up & embrace my lack of memory of them & have a special column somewhere called "Korsakoff's Amnesiacs Corner" or some-such. Almost all novels for me have become just alternate worlds that I enter into b/c my own life is so lacking in adventure these days. But what about when my life was full of adventure? I read novels galore then too & I don't remember them either. I suppose the point is that I get engrossed in the plots & 'escape' for awhile but I don't retain anything b/c none of it really ties that much into my 'real' life.

Anyway, "Freaks' Amour". Does the title remind you of anything? "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn? Well, lest you think that De Haven was inspired by Dunn, let it be known that Dunn's bk came out in 1989 & De Haven's in 1979. I haven't read "Geek Love" but it's been enthusiastically recommended to me by many a friend. I don't know if the similarities between the titles is where such similarities stops but looking at the Wikipedia plot synopsis for Dunn's bk the similarites seem to run deeper. I'm not saying that Dunn plagiarized De Haven, the sensationalist taste for 'freaks' will always be there in the zeitgeist.

Otherwise, HEY!, I remember nothing about this bk. I've just read the back cover description & skimmed thru it to remind me. It was probably funny, etc; I probably enjoyed it, etc.

Perhaps now is the time to insert a bit of personal philosophizing to explain my indifference to getting into this bk (& many others) in detail. My interest is in living a fantastic 'REAL' life. I've spent my life trying to be here now. & that's not influenced by the bk by the same name (wch I haven't read - but might someday). So why do I read so many damn novels & watch so many fictional movies? I know, I 'know', it's contradictory.

BUT, if you read my more autobiographical bks, like "How to Write a Resumé" & "footnotes", you'll realize that my main interest has been to lead an assertive life that manifests my imagination, to not just stand by & watch my life trickle away - wasted on vicarious living. Even writing these sometimes shallow 'reviews' is an attempt to get a grip on my life by using reading these 'escapist' bks as an excuse to write shit like I'm writing now, to be less passive, more ENGAGED.

I've always tried to create an ACTUAL LIFE that's special - that's why I don't write (much) fiction. I like fiction but I feel like trying to provide texts that're as interesting as fiction but about my own personal 'REAL' experience is more important. As such, I run the risk of being written off as an egomaniac. But my egomania is beside the point, my life-as-example it to the point. I think most people PREFER fiction, though. Maybe even I do - after all, I've read a zillion novels & very few biographies.

But wch ones stick w/ me more? Crowley's "autohagiography"? Or "Freaks' Amour"? Definitely the former. I read "Freaks' Amour" w/in the last 5 yrs & the Crowley bk 20 yrs ago. One cd attribute my more recent lack of memory to age deterioration but I don't think that's actually the case here. Anyway, I'm not saying "Freaks' Amour" is a bad bk, I'm just saying that novels, & living in fantasy worlds, are less important than trying to live yr own life to the fullest. I love bks & bookworms (like myself) usually have pretty active brains, but if you don't APPLY THAT ACTIVE BRAIN you might just be missing out, eh?!
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tENTATIVELY | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 3, 2022 |
The Smallville years of Superman, told in a period style that evokes the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald. An excellent read, all around. Kind of makes me wish this author would write a continuing series of period Superman novels, but I suppose the conceit works best if it ends with the full emergence of Superman, as it does here.
unsquare | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 16, 2021 |



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