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Roseler(1) Philip Roth(1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(2) Henry K Rowe(1) Vere L. Rubel(1) Muriel Rukeyser(1) John Ruskin(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) Jacob Sacks(1) John Dryden; Walter Scott; George Saintsbury(1) J. D. Salinger(3) Rebecca Middleton Samson(1) George Santayana(1) Jean-Paul Sartre(1) John-Paul Sartre(1) Miroslav Šašek(1) Julia L. Sauer(1) Francis Scarfe(1) Hayyim Schauss(1) Friedrich Schiller(2) Arthur Schnitzler(1) Levin Schücking(1) Delmore Schwartz(1) Karl De Schweinitz(1) Albert Schweitzer(1) Florida Scott-Maxwell(1) Sir Walter Scott(1) Augusta Huiell Seaman(2) Paul Sears(1) Peter Selz(1) Kate Seredy(4) Frederick. (adapted by Robert Lawrence and illustrated by Howard Arnold Setana(1) Dr. Seuss(2) Anne Sexton(3) John Seymour(1) Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury(1) William Shakespeare(6) Kazin Shapiro(1) Harlow et al. (eds). Shapley(1) George Bernard Shaw(1) William Herbert Sheldon(1) Percy Bysshe Shelley(1) Guy Shepherd(1) Mikhail Sholokhov(1) Alan Sillitoe(1) Ernest J. 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