TikTok Book Awards
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Andere Namen: Tik Tok Awards (Englisch)
6 Werke 96,103 Bücher 1,750 Rezensionen 4.4
The TikTok Book Awards are all about celebrating the books, independent book shops, authors and creators that are loved by the #BookTok community. So it was only right that we gave the power over mehr anzeigen to the people to decide on the winners, and our BookTok community didn't disappoint.
Thousands voted on the TikTok hub for their favourite authors, books and bookshops, from a carefully curated shortlist decided by some of the UK's biggest names in the world of literature, publishing and #BookTok; including acclaimed authors Candice Braithwaite and Elizabeth Day, alongside representatives from publishers Bloomsbury and Bonnier. weniger anzeigen
Thousands voted on the TikTok hub for their favourite authors, books and bookshops, from a carefully curated shortlist decided by some of the UK's biggest names in the world of literature, publishing and #BookTok; including acclaimed authors Candice Braithwaite and Elizabeth Day, alongside representatives from publishers Bloomsbury and Bonnier. weniger anzeigen
Top Members
Artur-Bobinski (6 Werke), sisypheand (6), chardenlover (5), Linyarai (5), Acolner (4), AkashaSan (4), alester630 (4), allenel16 (4), alo1224 (4), amykpugh (4), AndreaWWishlist (4), Arpita10. (4), ashleybeckrreads (4), berbermarije (4), bethderenzis (4), Book.Vorfreude (4), BookDragon91 (4), Bookworm_Monkey75 (4), Briars_Reviews (4), cabyrum (4), callmepenguin (4), chelledharrison (4), cherylmorton (4), chip4201 (4), claire.rivers (4), claytonhowl (4), CMJamison (4), deborahee (4), DevonTarantino (4), divinenanny (4), ellathereader24 (4), ericagraphman (4), generalkala (4), graceless880 (4), GreteMachete (4), happyhinsons (4), hintera (4), HomesteadV (4), j.princ3 (4), JamieDuncan77 (4), JannaAZ (4), jenn_reads (4), JessicaThomas24 (4), JRMANDRAGON (4), KarenThompsonFarrell (4), kaykal (4), kleehart1 (4), LadyLast (4), LindaEdwards (4), lkubed (4), MadelineClark (4), malinengdahl (4), melisawong (4), Michelle_Surette (4), michryder (4), nadiarosslyn (4), novel.curations (4), p.jiv (4), QueenD_83 (4), repurvis88 (4), RoshReviews (4), samantha_m (4), sarahb86 (4), Shelley8059 (4), simonamitac (4), spiritedstardust (4), starbookworm (4), sufre (4), suicidebybooks (4), teenybeanie25 (4), Thalia (4), Valera_Books (4), viscoelastic (4), wcumulus (4), wndr (4), Yoh (4), 00966550173333 (3), aliena0811 (3), AllyoftheSunset (3), Amanda2250 (3), AmandaMay (3), AmyLynn (3), annushka (3), AnrMarri (3), Bangsi (3), batman14123 (3), BBleil (3), Beccy9876 (3), Blueeyes1744 (3), BrandyRenea (3), briarhills (3), brookecov (3), brosgetstoked (3), careliza14 (3), Cecily839 (3), claudiatg (3), cpulkownik (3), Crazymamie (3), curioussquared (3), Danielle.Desrochers (3), dannalora (3), DKnight0918 (3), Donderowicz (3), eleanor2023 (3), ElizabethRod89 (3), elkiedee (3), EmberMantles (3), Emily177 (3), eottaway (3), eyouwakim (3), feelingthrufiction (3), ForeverFey (3), ganslaw (3), graceewhittaker (3), grumpytea (3), halesfu (3), harlaquin64 (3), hasanabistits (3), helloitsrafaela (3), HortGirl76 (3), hparry (3), Itaby (3), jadadanelle (3), JD2022 (3), jgallo123 (3), Katbearmoose (3), katebert (3), katerleigh (3), KathleenIvy (3), Kazhelsea (3), Kierce (3), kkb (3), kwagnerroberts (3), KylieWaithe (3), Lea.Pearl (3), leafshrub (3), leperdbunny (3), librariansteffen2 (3), lindywilson (3), liztumelty (3), loidaholder (3), m.a.brooks (3), m.foott (3), m00ny (3), MaddieBee (3), MathildeElise (3), mcarley88 (3), megwatrin (3), mightymoe (3), MiriamPatino (3), MissBrangwen (3), mjphillips (3), MmeRose (3), mprestonlanza (3), mreyes58 (3), mrslindseyroman (3), msdahman (3), nanithefk (3), nvl_reads (3), orderofthephoenix (3), pamela.williams96 (3), pli1494 (3), RebMarAra (3), remember (3), rllocke (3), roncanread (3), sarah.the.biblioworm (3), sarah_mcd (3), sasimm2 (3), seraann (3), SESchend (3), shanisjo (3), SkylarRoseMann (3), smoore14 (3), SymphonySil (3), tarabage (3), TarynLocke (3), tatecochran (3), TheSmoggs (3), ToriaD (3), vickiv (3), yarrahmuneer (3), z_butterflies (3)
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