Independent Publisher Book Awards2000
Vergeben durch Jenkins Group, Inc.
Andere Namen: IPPY (Englisch)
127 Werke 16,184 Bücher 233 Rezensionen 3.7
The “IPPY” Awards were conceived as a broad-based, unaffiliated awards program open to all members of the independent publishing industry, and are open to authors and publishers worldwide who mehr anzeigen produce books written in English and intended for the North American market. weniger anzeigen
Gold 44
Finalist 82
Semifinalist 1
Werk | Kategorie | Jahr |
The Fund von Wes Demott | Mystery/Thriller | 2000 |
The “IPPY” Awards were conceived as a broad-based, unaffiliated awards program open to all members of the independent publishing industry, and are open to authors and publishers worldwide who produce books written in English and intended for the North American market. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)The "IPPY" Awards, launched in 1996, are designed to bring increased recognition to the deserving but often unsung titles published by independent authors and publishers. Established as the first awards program open exclusively to independents, over 2,000 "IPPYs" have been awarded to authors and publishers around the world. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
Top Members
RLNunezKPL (383 Werke), aabdelrahmanm (283), alo1224 (254), mffowler (128), e-zReader (122), georgebexley (121), Kaethe (105), datrappert (99), SESchend (95), FleetSparrow (91), whitreidtan (88), fernandie (87), theodarling (85), EarlyReviewers (83), jenniebooks (80), KimSalyers (80), Ermina (78), ShanLand (78), emaestra (72), MichaelAScott (71), debbiebellows (70), ringthebell (70), Bambean (69), coffeefairy (68), PC-jacoby (68), KelMunger (66), Yak_Litsy (65), buriedinprint (64), davidabrams (64), kday_working (63), axarca (62), prengel90 (62), Adolf_Ledesma (61), Bertha_ (61), buffygurl (61), firstfloor1 (60), gentlespirit512 (60), southernbooklady (60), Den85 (59), ltcl (58), thefirstdark (58), Bookish59 (57), griffinel (57), Lemeritus (57), SoschaF (57), benitastrnad (56), eandino2012 (56), SWade0126 (54), Melissalovesreading (53), stansteiner (53), Mischenko (52), iluvvideo (51), LunaSlashSea (51), nfactor13 (51), perusal (51), rpeckham (50), Markober (49), Steve_Walker (49), DebbyeC (48), eduscapes (48), MDGentleReader (48), nytbestsellers (48), pjpfodl (48), ginaruiz (47), lafstaff (47), ThufirHawat (47), lquilter (46), Spoto-Media (46), suzecate (46), zhuazhua88 (46), drmom62 (45), Barlenmir (44), Chrisethier (44), jasbro (44), mitchellray (44), PeskyLibrary (44), Shinanoki (44), winstonhouse (44), alcottacre (43), clpteensnewbooks (43), hivetrick (43), RaggedyMe (43), dvnmng (42), GAGVLibrary (42), hatingongodot (42), kswizzel04 (42), aimg (41), donkelly68 (41), MHanover10 (41), TerryWeyna (41), KarenMizzi (40), kristiederuiter (40), resoundingjoy (40), Canaanlibrary (39), emmy_of_spines (39), erohwedd (39), HeatherMoss (39), IamAleem (39), michaelg16 (39), neilandlisa (39), nfulks32 (39), tglovell (39), wisemetis (39), AAPremlall (38), Aussiewoman (38), benruth (38), claire.rivers (38), Conway_Library (38), FrankJLucatelli (38), ganderlibrary (38), hadaverde (38), INorris (38), jose.pires (38), meggyweg (38), ozfiztheweird (38), bouillabaisse (37), PuddinTame (37), teenybeanie25 (37), cctesttc1 (36), EmScape (36), kylerhea (36), Rivaton (36), TheReadingTub (36), bushlibrary (35), Caralen (35), kwagnerroberts (35), LoriAnnK (35), parasolofdoom (35), qstewart (35), rmatottNCSD (35), SleepySheep (35), tcwLT (35), bridgitshearth (34), FlaglerBeachLibrary (34), kageeh (34), kukulaj (34), leavingsamsara (34), maribou (34), MWise (34), scottyn73 (34), Sullywriter (34)
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