Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
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Andere Namen: ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (Englisch), ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers - Top Ten (Englisch), YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (Englisch)
2,236 Werke / 2,248 Elemente 1,341,530 Bücher 53,442 Rezensionen 3.9
All titles should have appeal as self-selected leisure reading for young adults. Books should be evaluated by subject, cover art, readability, format, style and teen feedback. Teen feedback from mehr anzeigen reluctant readers, is encouraged. Standard selection criteria consonant with the ALA Library Bill of Rights shall be applied.
A book must have a copyright date during the current calendar year or have been published from July to December of the previous calendar year to be considered for the list. A book originally published outside the United States will be considered according to its U.S. publication year. Any book which was voted on at the Midwinter Meeting is not eligible for nomination the following year. weniger anzeigen
A book must have a copyright date during the current calendar year or have been published from July to December of the previous calendar year to be considered for the list. A book originally published outside the United States will be considered according to its U.S. publication year. Any book which was voted on at the Midwinter Meeting is not eligible for nomination the following year. weniger anzeigen