BCCB Blue Ribbon Book
Vergeben durch Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (BCCB)
Andere Namen: Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book (Englisch)
1,165 Werke / 1,166 Elemente 933,135 Bücher 44,238 Rezensionen 4.1
Blue Ribbons are chosen annually by the staff of The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books and represent what they believe to be the best of the previous year's literature for youth.
Top Members
stansteiner (554 Werke), RLNunezKPL (551), Sullywriter (404), kday_working (401), stdamian (361), Kaethe (344), meyerson (343), rdg301library (342), CurrColl (335), amandabock (320), JeanLittleLibrary (307), arak (300), chinatowne (283), CuriosityWorkshop (268), manlius (267), fernandie (253), mffowler (250), mosylu1 (247), mhagenberg (240), casebrad (237), MillPondLibrary (234), ltcl (224), Whisper1 (223), ltfl_isblib (216), Spoto-Media (213), kamills2 (211), StayerLibrary (207), JennyArch (200), foxly (194), tarpfarmer (193), griffinel (189), AbigailAdams26 (188), bfritzlibrary (187), irovienna (185), matthewbloome (185), ASKier (182), LibrarianDest (182), FrontierGirl (181), ChelseaWorden (178), coveschool (174), lmackiewicz (171), MrsBond (168), ltfl_mountviewms (166), rundlettmiddle (165), SlateLibrary (165), Pantoja27 (163), buddingnaturalist (161), e-zReader (161), NightMarily (161), zjeszay (160), ASIJ (159), elfschild (159), Sharquin (157), Salsabrarian (156), Pages_Aplenty (155), katie (154), rmatottNCSD (153), Conway_Library (152), Leslie_L.J. (152), LibrarianMaven (151), BCDlibrary (150), cctesttc1 (149), Christa_Josh (149), Cliffisland (149), DianeVogan (149), sjii (149), skullduggery (149), bethsand (147), eduscapes (146), prengel90 (146), tarr.chris (146), Saunders_Library (142), alo1224 (141), SWONlibraries (139), aabdelrahmanm (138), electrascaife (138), glhs (138), SleepySheep (138), Junep (137), Cheryl_in_CC_NV (136), theresearcher (136), Sylvia.Nosworthy (135), alaskabookworm (134), DebbieBaker27 (134), agenbiteofinwit (133), eandino2012 (133), librarian515 (133), logcablib (133), TildenSchoolLibrary (132), DrQ (130), KeithKron (130), hermanm (129), janillabean (128), charzie (126), klnbennett (126), LutheranSouthUnity (126), wyzika (126), hooligansmama (125), Rivaton (125), shauneeh (125), TheWellSpringSchool (125), bogreader (123), foggidawn (123), kleahey (123), LadyKnightLibrarian (123), edresang (122), scducharme (122), Celialiu123 (121), clpteensnewbooks (121), sheardliteracycenter (121), CatB (120), LMS_Library (120), Fjola (119), kerribrary (118), davidgn (117), jennybeast (117), Rickmaniac (117), archivecats (116), BMoreno79403 (116), Celialiu (116), jervin1 (116), pricem (116), PVlibrary (116), KristenRoper (115), pisgah13 (115), beserene (114), CountrySchoolLibrary (114), DWEmma (114), goingmb (114), melodyreads (113), Merryann (113), jalual (112), Mel-Mel (112), MinuteMarginalia (112), parasolofdoom (112), SLCOhio (112), drmom62 (111), ejmam (111), pussreboots (111), kteacherSC (110)
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