ALA Outstanding Books for the College BoundArts and Humanities
Vergeben durch Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
Andere Namen: YALSA Outstanding Books for the College Bound (Englisch), YALSA Outstanding Books for the College Bound 2014 (Englisch), YALSA's List of Outstanding books for the College Bound (Englisch)
25 Werke 42,979 Bücher 2,481 Rezensionen 4.0
From the ALA site:
A YALSA Committee of public, secondary school, and academic librarians selectes the list. Revised every five years as a tool for several audiences (students preparing for mehr anzeigen college, educators, librarians, and parents) it offers opportunities for independent reading and lifelong learning. Use it to round out your reading as you prepare for college entrance exams and courses, to strengthen your knowledge in a variety of subject areas and enhance appreciation for different cultures and times. weniger anzeigen
A YALSA Committee of public, secondary school, and academic librarians selectes the list. Revised every five years as a tool for several audiences (students preparing for mehr anzeigen college, educators, librarians, and parents) it offers opportunities for independent reading and lifelong learning. Use it to round out your reading as you prepare for college entrance exams and courses, to strengthen your knowledge in a variety of subject areas and enhance appreciation for different cultures and times. weniger anzeigen
* Grüner Text ist „berechneter“ Text. Berechneter Text wird basierend auf globalen LibraryThing-Daten bereitgestellt.
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