Figuren/CharaktereB. F. Skinner

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (21)

50 Klassiker der Psychologie die wichtigsten Werke von Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud, Daniel Goleman, Karen Horney, William James, C. G. Jung, Jean Piaget, Viktor Frankl, Howard Gardner, Alfred Kinsey, Abraham Maslow, Iwan Pawlow, Stanley Milgram, Martin Seligman und vielen anderen von Tom Butler-Bowdon
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior von Temple Grandin
The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics von Jean Aitchison
B.F. Skinner: A Life von Daniel W. Bjork
Carl Rogers Dialogues (Psychology/self-help) von Carl R. Rogers
Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit: Psychotherapie aus der Sicht eines Therapeuten von Carl R. Rogers
Das Gespenst in der Maschine von Arthur Koestler
History of Modern Psychology von Duane P. Schultz
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking von Jordan Ellenberg
How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age von Theodore Schick
The Manipulated Mind: Brainwashing, Conditioning and Indoctrination von Denise Winn
Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human von Matt Ridley
On Human Nature von Edward O. Wilson
A Practical Approach to Counselling von Margaret Hough
The Price of Altruism: George Price and the Search for the Origins of Kindness von Oren Harman
Science Comics: Rockets: Defying Gravity von Anne Drozd
The Secret History of Kindness: Learning from How Dogs Learn von Melissa Holbrook Pierson
Seven Theories of Human Nature von Leslie Stevenson
The SKINNER PRIMER: Behind Freedom and Dignity: What the B.F. Skinner Debate is All About. von Finley Carpenter
The Truth about the World: Basic Readings in Philosophy von James Rachels
Von Menschen und Ratten: Die berühmten Experimente der Psychologie von Lauren Slater